Natures Revenge .


Very cool painting Paul - love the array of cables and the free-form rust patches.

Superb Paul, well painted 😊

Excellent painting Dixie, full of history and character.

A fabulous composition Paul with great detail. Certainly has that sad look of seen better days about it.

Like this Paul. Given damage done by the whaling industry it seems quite fitting that mother nature is consuming that instrument of so much suffering!

Great painting, Paul, love the colours.

Andrew, Stephen, Tessa, Chris, Fiona and Jenny thank you for your much appreciated comments. I agree with you Fiona and had thought of calling the painting Natures Revenge, and could not think of a alternative at the time of posting the painting.

Love it Dixie, the rust is painted so well. The whaling has had dreadful consequences, apparently only Iceland, Norway and Japan still do it. I pity the sailors on ships like this in the frozen southern seas.

Nice sense of age in the old ship, Paul, well painted

Deserves a good title Paul

Excellent work, love your boats.

Lew and Willie many thanks for your kind comments. It was so bad Lew that they build a gangway high over the deck so the gunner could get to the harpoon without beeb washed overboard. All metal welded hull ,built to smash through the waves hence few portholes and loads of drainage ports for the decks etc. Must have been like sailing in a bulldozer or tank and held the water below decks like a fish tank. Tough hard life and a dirty rotten job as well bet many didn’t retire with a good pension and a un damaged body.

Heather and Valerie thank you for your kind comments. Well I’m open to suggestions for the title , Natures Revenge is the only one at the moment, I have a flu head and can’t think beyond my nose at the moment.

Excellent painting! :)

Excellent Paul! Really like the mix of colours and the way you have applied them to represent the erosion of the elements.

Lovely rust colours, Paul

A super old rusting ship Paul. It is really well painted and love all the details and cabling. Another title idea may be ‘Rusting Hulk’ as its purpose was to hunt whales. It is fitting that it is now rusting away.

Wow! This is superb Paul. Fantastic detail on a rusting hulk.

Great painting Paul.

Many thanks, Cathy , Fiona , Helen, David, Spencer and Denise, for your very kind comments.

Lovely painting Paul - you’ve captured that rusty ship so well.

Excellent Paul.So well drawn and painted .

Lovely boat work Paul.

I really like the rusting boat Paul, well-painted! Great background too.

Thank you for your kind comments , Cecilia,Val-Irene, Jim and Karen I appreciate them .

Very expressive painting Paul. I love the marks you have made. Keep at it.

Thank you George for you kind comment.

Another rusting hulk painted in your unique style Paul…

Thank you Petra and Alan I appreciate your comment.

Great title for a great painting Paul.

Thank you Val I appreciate your comment and you taking the time to look at my painting.

Excellent, Paul

beautiful scene, great painted! The rusty comes very well to the fore. Continue to get well soon! 🎨☕🧁

Posted by Tanja G. on Wed 22 Mar 13:55:54

Natasha, Richard and Gala thank you for yuk very kind comments I do really appreciate them.

Very good Paul🧑‍🎨

Excellent rendering of an old vessel, love it.

Paul and Chrissie thank you for your very kind comments I do really appreciate them.

Hang on Studio Wall

23x36 cm watercolour of a rusty whale catcher beached and rusting away in South Georgia. This is a scene thst I have painted several time over the last few years, I just love the colours of the rusting ship as it slowly decays away. It a scene I paint when in not feeling a hundred percent and can’t think of anything else as it doesn’t take a lot of concentration and the paint seems to fit where it goes . It sad to think of the damage done in the whaling years and sad to see the decaying ship.

About the Artist
Paul (Dixie) Dean

I have sketched most of my life on and off I became interested in watercolour following a spinal injury whilst in hospital but did not follow it up. My eldest daughter bought me a beautiful wooden box set of half pans about twenty five years ago I dabbled on and off until retirement twelve years…

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