Waiting for the Tide

barges waiting

Like it Alan, am with you on those barges, they're wonderful

Great vitality in your painting Alan. The chunky sky is expressive but light -beautifully done.

The loose application of paint and the decisive brushwork make the painting outstanding Alan. Great contrasting colours.

Love your impasto, bold brushwork and those contrasting colours. This has a very robust feel about it and draws the viewer into the scene completely Alan.

Excellent work Alan. Paul Nash sprang to mind at first look.

The distinctive shape of the Thames barges make them so interesting to look at. Beautifully painted Alan.

That is beautiful, Alan. So vibrant and full of life!!

Amazing imagination. Love the textures!

I really like this, especially the sky and how you have applied the paint

Great imagination Alan. A lovely loose feeling with this painting.

You could not pick a better nautical subject Alan , I believe they were made solely for the art to paint. They were and still are a beautiful graceful transport , and your painting does them justice . Beautiful boats beautifully painted.

Superb brush strokes and wonderful composition. Colours are not bad either.

Nice colours, great barges, I like it Alan.

I love the liveliness of this painting Alan. I particularly love the work on the sky both colours and texture

I missed this Alan! It’s different from your recent postings….much more texture and saturated colour (?)

Beautiful, dramatic sky

Great contrasts in the sky and sea, love the loose application of paint

Great work and great atmosphere, Alan.


Love the contrast of the chunky sky & the delicate touch of the barges. the Light is beautiful

Hang on Studio Wall

An oil study from imagination again, with a trio of my favourite boats, which are these wonderfully paintable Thames barges, beached and waiting for the tide to come in. I’ve used some heavier paint on this one, plus a painting knife in places - areas of impasto on the sky and foreground.. Oil on Jackson’s Belle Arti board 40 x 50cm

About the Artist
Alan Bickley

Having studied fine art and graphics at both Stafford and Derby college, my career working as a graphic artist and latterly as editorial artist with Northcliffe Media Ltd, has kept me constantly in touch with all aspects of art and design. Painting mainly in oils, acrylics and watercolour, my…

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