Crooked Fence


Like this Fiona I quite like the title and it fits the scene .

Love this- those hints of Ochre… fab, clever gal

Love the way you have painted this and the limited colours.

Like the wild blustery approach you have taken here Fiona.and the positioning of fence work. Love the spontaneous feel you have created.

Like this Fiona and the limited colour palette

Many thanks to you Paul, Rachel, David, Carole and Heather for your encouraging support.

Love the mark making, very effective. A broken fence is so forlorn, somehow x

Another goodie.

Ah thee old crooked fence! The title of this lovely care free pastel. Almost tells us a story. Fiona. Nicely done indeed.

It looks like it’s set in winter Fiona. Good suggestive marks I see.

Colours work really well, nice one ☺️

This is lovely Fiona, the fence is so good with the wildness you have captured

Very atmospheric piece

Beautiful Marks 😍 title goes well 👌

Katy, Sylvia, Scott, John, Stephen, Cheryl, Andrew, Faye, Spencer , thank you. Appreciate your comments very much.

Hmm… if it’s suggestions you want, well you know what I’m like Fiona! So here goes… I wouldn’t combine the ochre with black…it just doesn’t work… Tonally, it’s flat! Convert it to greyscale and it will become obvious. Get out with your sketchbook or camera and work on a ‘real’ landscape! I could go on, but I’m probably already in the dog house…

Very good Fiona.

If you are asking Fiona I quite like the ground part but imho the sky lets it down by being too ‘dirty’ not letting enough light in if you see what I mean. It’s a trap I often fall into

I like the mark making in this Fiona.

I like this, Fiona. It has a feeling of immediacy about it. It also has a blustery feel to it.

I like it a lot Fiona, wildness expressed in the marks etc maybe the subject/title could be more prominent in the the work -Always like your stuff though.

Loose, harmonious, energetic - I like it

😂 yes, you’re in the dog house Al! I was having a day off from going out and sketching a ‘real’ landscape! Thanks Al, I promise to do better! X Thank you very much Denise. I get what you mean Martin, I agree with you. I’ve cropped the top of the sky off, which was lighter, because I had put the horizon line dead centre…..derrrr! Thank you for your feedback. Brian, David, Ellen, Willie, Colin…….many thanks for your observations and encouragement, always appreciated.

Wild and windy.Love it

Thank you very much Cecilia.

I like the freedom you have applied to the scene Fiona, I also rather like the touches of Ochre.

Thank you Brian. I like the ochre too, and despite what Alan said, I like it with the black! 😉

Hang on Studio Wall

16”x12” pastel and charcoal on paper. Couldn’t think of a title, apologies for the lack lustre attempt. It’s a made up landscape, perhaps that’s why! Open to suggestions……

About the Artist
Fiona Phipps

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