

Another great boat painting, Paul. You do these so well!

Good bit of tramping!

Uh, this is so fantastic painted Paul, i like it very much! ⚓

Posted by Tanja G. on Tue 30 Apr 12:26:53

Another brilliant painting, love it!!

Nice work Paul.

David, Heather, Tanja, Valerie and Jim thank you for your kind comments. I’m trying to paint these scenes with less detail than I usually do, I have a bad habit of trying to put to many details into my work so it’s rewarding to have such positive comments.

A fine boat Dixie, and I really like how you’ve painted the sea!

I love this - and I agree with Tessa, the sea is really good.

This is excellent Paul, so well drawn and what a cracking old steamer. The sea is good, could have been a darker, more turquoise blue towards the front. Have a look at Rowland Hilder’s seas, there’s one particular painting I’m thinking of is a spritsail barge and a paddle steamer… take a look at the sea in that one!

This is nicely done Paul.

Thanks you Tessa, Bobbie, Alan and Stephen for you very kind comment. I will definitely have a look Alan as I find painting the sea a big of a challenge, in reality it a bit more blue blue you say better if it was more turquoise .

You have the colouring in this piece exactly right Paul. Good watercolour.

This is a different style for you Paul it’s great to push yourself to try something out of your comfort zone . And you did it proud, super painting Paul

This is a really lovely painting, Paul. Great waves.

Lovely painting Paul.

Thank you John , Gill, Spencer and Denise for you kind and much appreciated comments.

Lovely Paul, I especially like your sea.

Thank you Andrew , I wasn’t sure about the look of the sea as it was a bit of an experiment I used a mask in pen to leave in the white tops of the waves and the flowing lines etc.

Well painted Paul

A great painting Paul. Lovely depth of colour.

George and Christine thank you for your kind comments.

Full steam ahead Paul. Love all the movement within this Paul.

Thank you Carole for you comment I appreciate it .

Hang on Studio Wall
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Watercolour A4 in A3 mount of a old steam ship sailing along the cost an imaginary scene . Many of these old ships move from port to port as they picked up cargo never having a home port so we’re know as Tramp Ships or in this case a Tramp Steamer. Due to spend more time at sea than some of the larger ships companies the soon started to have a rundown look which then added to the tram look .

About the Artist
Paul (Dixie) Dean

I have sketched most of my life on and off I became interested in watercolour following a spinal injury whilst in hospital but did not follow it up. My eldest daughter bought me a beautiful wooden box set of half pans about twenty five years ago I dabbled on and off until retirement twelve years…

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