A Frosty Morning.


Excellent pastoral scene, love the sheep 🐑

What a lovely scene and I’m well impressed with your approach here Paul…a really good painting!

Like those sheep Paul

A lovely scene, Paul. Those sheep are very well painted, too!

A lovely watercolour Paul.

Stephen, Alan, Heather, David and Denise thank you for your kind comments I appreciate them. It certainly was a challenge Alan but a very enjoyable one and I did learn quite a lot from doing it.

Lovely scene, Paul, I like the warm colours on the left.

Beautifully done Paul. Particularly like the sheep and the other trees. A great painting!

Wonderful watercolour Paul. It’s a frosty scene but I like the injection of a little warmth with the gorgeous colours of the bracken and grasses.

Thank you Christine, Jenny , Spencer and Fiona I appreciate your taking the time to look and comment. I was unsure of the colour of the bracken Fiona and Jenny even more so just before posting I almost softened the colour but decided to leave it as part of me said it was right as it is.

A lovely scene, Paul - very chilly!

Well done Paul. Great painting

A nice scene Paul, I particularly like those winter trees.

Very nice and atmospheric

Very atmospheric Paul

Brr! really captures how it feels. Lovely.

I really like the way you’ve painted the trees on the left Dixie, and those sheep look a bit naughty to me! Up to mischief.

Thank you all for your very kind comments.

Another charming painting. You are so good at imagination and creating a scene!

Romila thank you for your kind comment .

Another very nice pastoral scene Paul.

Hang on Studio Wall

A3 watercolour of a semi imaginary scene. I’ve tried to set it on a frosty morning with the sheep waiting for the grass to thaw before grazing . Made a part of the scene up and used a online photo for part of it as well. I’m really enjoying doing these pastoral nostalgic scenes .

About the Artist
Paul (Dixie) Dean

I have sketched most of my life on and off I became interested in watercolour following a spinal injury whilst in hospital but did not follow it up. My eldest daughter bought me a beautiful wooden box set of half pans about twenty five years ago I dabbled on and off until retirement twelve years…

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