

No reason not to post Paul. Good positioning of figures and I know from trying that balconies are quite hard to get correct. Yours are good.

Lovely light and refreshing

I think you have created a beautiful haze and I really do like the scene.

Thank you Richard , Linda and Denise for your kind comments. I found the balconies difficult and in the photo they seemed random rather than in line as in fats etc. The buildings looked like they evolved rather than constructed, which is I suspect what happens. I know that the building regs are different to here . Reminded me of when I lived in Gibraltar.

The haze is very effective Paul, and I like the limited detail. Not really done much with buildings, I can imagine how hard they must be.

The light coming round onto the figures is really effective Paul. You have just caught it so well. Glad you decided to post it.

Lovely, Paul - I like the light and the balconies!

Super painting Paul.

I really like this Paul, I think you've found some wonderful expressions of the light and softness and I really like the figures as well as the buildings.

I really like this Paul, I think you've found some wonderful expressions of the light and softness and I really like the figures as well as the buildings.

This is good, Dixie. Good use of the elongated format. The buildings fading into the distance are excellent. The figures are good, just enough to define them..I especially like the person with the stick...the weight/pose is perfect.

Thank you all so much for your kind comments they are very encouraging. I was unsure about posting it but wanted to see what you all thought I’m pleased I did . Encouragement enough to have a try at similar scenes .

I like this a lot. great sense of light

Hang on Studio Wall

A4 watercolour. I did this as a experiment trying to put the buildings and people bin without clear details. It’s developed from a free photo and what caught my eye was the contrast between the light and shade. What intrigued me was how the bright light soften the building and acted like a mist to hide the others. I did not intend posting it but though it would be interesting to see your reaction to it.

About the Artist
Paul (Dixie) Dean

I have sketched most of my life on and off I became interested in watercolour following a spinal injury whilst in hospital but did not follow it up. My eldest daughter bought me a beautiful wooden box set of half pans about twenty five years ago I dabbled on and off until retirement twelve years…

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