Dead Tree (or is it)


Still a bit of life left probably… I like the shape of it, similar to the one in the field next to me. Nicely painted anyway - Like the white mount!

Thank you Alan , the mount was deliberately chosen following your comments and I agree it does look better,

Maybe ... but it's still a lovely one!

You never know with trees and plants! Big and bold Paul but lovely soft colours.

Another really good one, Paul! The surround does show it off extremely well!

Lovely Paul.

Heather , Christine, David and Denise thank you for you kind comment.

Lovely shapes and an interesting tree Paul.

Beautifully portrayed Paul. It’s amazing how trees are able to surprise us at times. You’ve really captured that!

Thank you Steven and Spencer for you comment.

Good point made, and good painting also Dixie. Most trees that appear dead and gone still support a lot of smaller bugs and beasties!

Lovely tree Paul. 🌳

Lovely painting of this fascinating old tree, Paul!

You’ve captured it really well Paul

Thank you Anne and Neil for your kind comments.

This has turned out very well. I’ve tried to paint similar old trees without much success so I know how difficult it is.

Thank you Jacqueline for your kind comment, they not the easiest of things to paint but into love the challenge.

Hang on Studio Wall

A4 watercolour on Bockingford paper. I love these bit bold trees that have shed the bard and taken on many colours from the lichen, moss, decay etc. Dead trees for all intents and purposes but support so much life and very occasionally a bit of new growth appears a small twig with a few leave . It’s as if the tree is saying still some life I’m me yet.

About the Artist
Paul (Dixie) Dean

I have sketched most of my life on and off I became interested in watercolour following a spinal injury whilst in hospital but did not follow it up. My eldest daughter bought me a beautiful wooden box set of half pans about twenty five years ago I dabbled on and off until retirement twelve years…

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