R. I. P


Always great subjects for painting Paul.

Love this Paul and also love the narrative which describes the heart and soul of your painting. A beauty.

A super painting, you've captured the decay beautifully

Great painting Pau

Your boat paintings are always superb, Dixie, and this one is no exception!

Jim, Chris, Anne, Cecilia and David thank you for your very kind comments.

Ha ha, I laughed when I read your comments Paul. But I think this is excellent, just homing in on the boat, no distraction like background. Really works!

Or rotting in pieces maybe?😁 Some nice brushwork here and you've captured the colours of decay- the rust and the algae - really well.

Thank you Marjorie and Alan I do appreciate your comments. You laugh Marjorie I’m seriously worried might have to see a psychiatrist if I do it again. I’ve been and done some jobs in my life but I certainly don’t want to end up a art critic any I don’t know or how to spell enough fancy words so that’s knocked it into place.

Beautifully painted Paul, the tones on the planking are just right.

Really lovely work Paul- some great textures.

Really like this Paul. The colours you’ve painted the boat planks really suggest old and rotting wood.

You’ve really captured the disintegration of this old boat. Lovely work Paul.

So well painted. I can only echo the other comments.

Great colour and detail, well done Paul 👍

Agree with all the comments, a lovely piece of work. Love your colours.

Thank you for your comments James , Peter. Sarah , Christine, Spencer , Lew, Stephen and Maureen, I appreciate your taking time to look and comment.

Thanks Valerie we must have been writing at the same time .

You’ve captured the character of the old fella Dixie, and I really like the different colours in the boat: very good but a sad sight.

Thanks Tessa , I agree a sad sight there are hundreds of these boat with in the UK alone there are some really big so called boat cemeteries in France and the USA .

Lovely Paul captured well 😍

Interesting subject, lovely colours.

Beautifully done, Paul!

Beautifully painted and those wood planks are superb, one of your absolute best I think.

Thank you Anne and Jenny for you very kind comments. I really enjoyed doing this Jenny and felt very relaxed, I’m working on a complicated forest painting and did this as a de -stressing exercise.

Super painting Dixie. Those dry brush marks so effective

Thank you Martin I appreciate you taking the time to look and comment. Dry brush is so good for some subjects it’s one of the techniques that you don’t see used very often these days , washes seem to be the in thing.

I like the subtle colours and the rough texture on the wood, it's a great study. I like your description too Paul.

another great painting Paul

Hillary and Janet many thanks for your comments they are always appreciated.

Super painting Paul. Like very much the colours and the brushwork.

Thank you Brian your comment is really appreciated.

I love this Paul. Wish I could get boats right they are such characterful subjects

Thank you for your kind comment Elaine I really appreciate it. The best thing to do is sketch a few over a short period of time you will notice that they suddenly look right.

It is something very special and unique in it Paul!

Hang on Studio Wall

A4 watercolour on Bockingford rough paper, old decaying boat Rotting In Peace . I find these old hulks so attractive the colours as they fade , the rusting metal fitting , the nail heads against the timber . It’s also how they seen to be almost melting into the soils around then , it’s almost like they are bonding with the area they stand on. Hell that’s a bit deep better take a tablet , I’m turning into a art critic ohh no .

About the Artist
Paul (Dixie) Dean

I have sketched most of my life on and off I became interested in watercolour following a spinal injury whilst in hospital but did not follow it up. My eldest daughter bought me a beautiful wooden box set of half pans about twenty five years ago I dabbled on and off until retirement twelve years…

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More by Paul (Dixie) Dean