Abstract challenge (I wish)

Abstract challenge (I wish)

Wow Sharon, great abstract painting, Love it :)

Nice powerful painting Sharon it turned out a treat well done

These challenges are good for us and make us try something we wouldn't have considered before. This has worked well Sharon, it looks to me like a lake in the foreground with the foliage reflected in the water.

Results look good to me too - I do like the halo effect and some lovely colours. Just keep practising Sharon - my garage floor is covered with several of my attempts - they are all drying out waiting to see the result and not all of them will be of any merit. I will probably add to those that are a bit iffy by layering further washes on top having applied the artistic eye - whatever the outcome it's all good fun.

You should be well pleased with this one Sharon, I love abstracts and I really love this one, it&#39;s worked really well for you, always a bit of luck involved of course when doing techniques like this.<br /><br /> I use the Daler/Rowney FW Acrylic inks and they are superb, pity you can&#39;t get hold of them. Well done anyway, great without them.

Beautiful, gives me the impression of a gorgeous sunset reflected in a lake, wonderful abstract Sharon.

I think this is hugely successful. Some wonderful effects and colours, beautiful.

Brilliant result Sharon, love the colours, it looks like a tree line at the edge of a lake.

You&#39;re all so generous, thanks for taking the time to look. It is reminiscent of trees and water isnt&#39;t it, and there&#39;s me thinking I could &quot;do&quot; abstraction ; no way, its a real struggle not to make something recognizable out of it. Something to do with which side of the brain no doubt. I will keep at it though, and look forward to seeing other people&#39;s attempts (Fiona, you also promised something ......)

Well, I think that this is quite stunning Sharon! Consider this a success !

Superb lighting effects Sharon - really outstanding

You&#39;ve created some lovely textures and wonderful drama and atmosphere, Sharon. It&#39;s a super piece!

Interesting effect! I think it looks great!

Sharon i think your dream came true.. try Daler Rowney FW Acrylic Inks.. wet the paper drop the luscious colours on let runs form allow to dry ,it is now waterproof, look for a hidden landscape then work watercolour washes over and detail with oil pastel for texture and water repel.. thats all i do.. its a great adventure..good luck

Hang on Studio Wall

I was inspired by the challenge to produce an abstract with acrylic ink ; however, I could no get hold of any acrylic ink, so I tried following Michael Edward's tips using Ecoline watercolour inks. The results were of course nothing like Michael's - a combination of material and lack of know-how. The results were surprising for me, though, and I couldn't resist tweaking a little with watercolour and turning it into some sort of landscape. Not very successful, but some interesting effects - I liked the way the lighter pigment formed a sort of halo around the opaque areas. Thought I'd post it anyway. This was done with Ecoline on Schut Flamboyant extra rough paper

About the Artist
Sharon Van Der Veen

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