

Lovely work Sharon and a well depicted scene with some confident washes.

Beautiful Sharon and very interesting anecdote

Lovely scene, bit sad, well done Sharon.

Nicely done with a limited palette.

Love the way you've caught the atmosphere Sharon

Alan, Dennis, Carole, Peter, Michael : your feedback is really appreciated. I was very unsure about this, being so different from my usual way of working - it was the story that persuaded me. So your positive comments are most welcome, thankyou.

What a great interpretation you've done Sharon. I can see from your other paintings that it's not your usual kind of topic. Well done for going for it, it does us all good sometimes to challenge ourselves.

This is very touching Sharon.

A super painting Sharon as are all your paintings in your gallery. It is nice to hear about the background to the work.

A scene sadly not uncommon in rural Ireland around the same period Sharon. Well represented.

Beautiful painting Sharon and very assured and confidant technique , fascinating insight into the history behind the painting

A lovely painting, Sharon. Quite topical, with all the refugee children being pushed around the world, poor mites. Quite an emotive piece.

Beautiful work

Posted by T H on Wed 16 Nov 13:00:57

Appreciate your all taking the time to look and read my little story, and for placing such smashing comments on my watercolour. Its so encouraging, and you are such generous people.

Hang on Studio Wall

My second attempt at interpreting an old local photograph, something completely different this time and more than a little outside my comfort zone. 1918, six o’clock in the morning, and this little group is waiting for the bailiffs to come and evict them from their smallholding, in order to make way for a new housing project. I feel a particular resonance with this scene and the family, bless them, as it appears that this is the land my present house was built upon all those years ago. Watercolour on Arches Rough 300gsm 23 x 31cm. Original photograph courtesy of Archief Eemland.

About the Artist
Sharon Van Der Veen

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