

I think that it's absolutely beautiful just as it is!

Personally I think it's wonderful. I reckon as artists we are so self critical we can't actually appreciate how good something is. If it doesn't turn out how we imagine in our heads we despair. Leave it alone it's wonderful.

Thanks ladies for the confidence boost. At a distance from the photo I think it looks fine, I really liked the composition, but the stems are all wonky, and the highlights on the vase look really artificial. As you say Dawn, perhaps its just didn't turn out to be what I had imagined - too many hard edges. Perhaps I'll just try again.

I think this is perfect as it is. You have pointed out lots of things you aren't happy with but I am not seeing a single one of them. We are all so hard on ourselves, aren't we. To me you have done the impossible and made white flowers look really white - that has to be something to be proud of.

I think this is a super painting Sharon. Having read your own critique, I think that if you paint a light shaddow under the stamens of the 2 front flowers, you will see the benefit of masking these stamens. I think it will give a better form to the flowers too. The wonky stems are due to the refraction of the glass, then the water. They are perfect! The light glinting on the glass is just right - any more would be too much with all the white of the flowers. Hope this helps! Its a lovely piece and I wouldn't crop it were it mine.

Thanks Jennifer ! What a surprise. This piece was posted more than a year ago - just noticed there is no year mentioned on the comment date. Just happened to see your today's comment when I was looking round the new site to find out what more is new. Appreciate your advice about the shadow, the painting is somewhere at the bottom of a drawer, I'll get it out and see what happens ! PS We always used to get an email alert if someone posted a comment, I do miss that function dont you ?

Hi Sharon. I miss the old site which seemed easier to navigate. Perhaps that's just me being computer semi-illiterate though! If you find this painting and see what happens, please post it for me to see, because I am now so curious. It is a lovely painting and I love your work.

Hi Sharon, I decided to follow you so that I don't miss the Amaryllis when you post it.

Just spotted this one Sharon, really like it.

It's just beautiful as it is...Leave it alone!

You must not beat yourself up about this painting because it really is a wonderful watercolour - you have captured light ( very difficult with this medium ) and those washes are simple but very striking - love it!

Hang on Studio Wall

Painted on Fabriano Artistico satin finish 300 gsm. This has been lying on my shelf for a couple of weeks, each time I pick it up I hope the strange bits will have gone away, as if by magic, but no such luck ! I like the composition but made 2 mistakes starting out : wrong paper for a wet-on-wet background (impossible to wash out), and I used masking fluid (hate the stuff, will I never learn ?) for the stamens and light reflections on the vase ; from that moment on it just got tighter and tighter. Should I crop it or any other suggestions, or just consider it a learning excercise and get on with something else ? All ideas welcome please!

About the Artist
Sharon Van Der Veen

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