R.I.P. Bubbles

R.I.P. Bubbles

Fiona this isa beautiful portrait of Bubbles. Well done.

Thanks very much Carol! How are you, better now you’re home, I hope. X

It's beautiful Fiona she will go back home now she was a lucky girl she got an angel to look after her , that was you Fiona you treated her with love and that's all that was required well done sweetheart.

Oh Dennis.....you are very kind, what a lovely thing to say. You know I’m as daft as a brush about my birds but unfortunately their time comes much sooner than our own....if we’re lucky. I don’t think it matters what kind of pet your share your life with, it’s the richer for having them, even for a short while. Thank you x

This is lovely Fiona and a very fitting tribute. She reminds me of my 'pet' chicken, Higgle, a wise old bird who would follow me around and sit with me . She loved it when I'd dig the garden as she'd jump on the spade ready to catch the worms. A real character, she gave me so much pleasure as well as wonderful eggs. It was heartbreaking when she died, but you are right, you're all the richer for having them.

Sweet little hen. A lovely memory Fiona. Just as long as she didn’t end up on the barbie.

I love your hens name Susan! Higgle and Bubbles sound as though they could have been sisters, or at the very least, from the same mold. Thanks very much for your comment. Lol....no not on the barbie, or in a curry as that Mr. Bickley hints at.....the wicked man. Lol. Thanks Sylvia x

So sorry Fiona ...’ how lucky we are to have had something that hurts so much to lose ‘ ... a lovely picture , wise & noble .

A lovely portrait - sorry to hear you have lost your wee painting pal.

Poor chuck. Lovely picture Fiona.

What a lovely painting Fiona and you will miss her when you’re painting. So sad but agree with all the comments. X

What a lovely girl, poor Bubbles. Love this painting of her (I am a big chicken fan...trying to persuade my husband to get some!) You've captured her personality

Nice painting, fitting tribute.... Eggserlent.... 👌

Such a lovely tribute Fiona. Love that look in her eye that you’ve captured. Don’t have any pets as struggle to look after myself and it angers me when people have pets and don’t care for them properly. Love to enjoy other people’s pets and can imagine how sad it is to lose one you love. But as they say better to have loved than not to have loved. It’s a cracking little painting Fiona and love the way the bottom fades away.

Painted with true love gorgeous Fiona

Wonderful portrait, Fiona.

Sharon, Margaret, David......thank you very much.....I’ll look out a frame and hang it in the studio, it will feel as though she’s keeping an eye on me. Lol

Thank you Tessa, I miss her already...especially now that I don’t have her to clear the crumbs up from under the kitchen table! Lol Heidi, chickens are wonderful, I’ve kept hens since I was about seventeen, I’m sixty now, and there hasn’t been many occasions that I haven’t had at least one with me. I have one hen left and she is eight this year. Thank you for your comment. Thanks Alan! You and me both Carole ref people realising the responsibility that they take on when they have any kind of animal as a pet. I’m down to one hen, she’s eight and as much as I want more hens, I’ve made the decision that they won’t be replaced. I’ll miss not having them around but you have to be sensible. Thank you for your comment. It was Dennis, I needed to paint her. Thank you very much Cesare, appreciate your comment.

It is a really wonderful painting Fiona and I believe we paint better when we love the subject. Condolences. She'll never go from you truly so you will still enjoy her presence forever, even though tinged with heartache. I can feel your pain and I'm taking a little away from you.

I do believe you’re right Michael about painting the subjects we love, perhaps it’s a kind of therapy. Thank you for sharing the loss and your kind thoughts x

That is so sad Fiona. I remember you telling us about Bubbles only recently. It doesn't matter what sort of animal you take into your home they become part of the family and are missed terribly when their time comes. That is a lovely painting of Bubbles to remember her by.

Many thanks Val, appreciate your words and comment. X

Looking through your wonderful archives, I wanted to let you know that a) I have replied to the apple question and b) I think this is a wonderful sentiment! I love my animals too. Thanks for your comments as well!!

That’s very kind of you Sarah, thank you.

Hang on Studio Wall

12”x9” watercolour and ink on Arches. I’ve lost my wee painting pal......hopefully, if she’s been good enough, she’s gone to the free range meadow in the sky! I took this photo of her last summer when she was waiting patiently underneath the outdoor table, on one of our BBQ evenings.....she loved a BBQ. She was such a character, I’ll miss her.

About the Artist
Fiona Phipps

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