More Boat Practice

More Boat Practice

Practice makes a master! This is tremendous Fiona!

That's excellent, Fiona. I really like the distant buildings, the reflections in the water, and your selection of colour.

What a fantastically interesting painting Fiona, love your boats.

I really like so much about this, can't single any one thing out other than to say really well done!

All worked out very nicely Fiona. Good well-caught scene and interesting colours. Nice work.

Lovely watercolour - very effective, Fiona

This is super Fiona. Great brush marks and the distant buildings are so well painted. Love it all.

I think you have great fun with boats, Fiona, this one turned out very good.

Wow Fiona this is fantastic! Beautifully painted, your colour choices are fab and your reflections are super. You are obviously very clever at painting boats!

So much atmosphere in this, Fiona, terrific mark making!

Ship ahoy Fiona! Great rigging and reflections.

caught the eye , like the result achieved.

Lovely painting Fiona looks really good one of your best I think

Thank you very much everyone for your encouraging comments. I did think that in places I managed to get quite a bit of mud, especially in the shadowy areas. Thanks again X

As said Fiona, excellent. Great colours and distant buildings. At first I thought tall ships in Galloway !!

Thanks Richard! I don’t think we have permanent tall ships but they do visit some of the local harbours on a tour in the summer months.

Nice Job here Fiona.......Well done!

A stunning painting Fiona. I love the palette. The reflections are great.

Many thanks Guy and Carolyn, appreciate your comments.

Fabulous loose watercolour. Thanks for your comment on my painting, its appreciated.

Whoa! This is awesome and makes me realise what a rank amateur I am! The composition and your execution of it are excellent.

Thanks Chris. Kevin that’s a very generous comment and I thank you, but I can’t claim the recognition for the composition, that belongs to Mr Gruppe. It was based on a black and white photo so the colour is all mine! Lol I’ve seen your art and you are no rank amateur but very skilled.

I think this is my fave in your portfolio Fiona. Lovely loose style.

Thank you very much for your comment Brian, I hope you carry on enjoying watercolour.

Hang on Studio Wall

12”x16” watercolour and Indian ink on Arches. Another painting based on a black and white photo of an oil by Gruppe. Tried to keep everything fairly loose, only had the tones of black and white to work on for the colour.

About the Artist
Fiona Phipps

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