Evening On The Moss

Evening On The Moss

Nice one Fiona, I think they may be back before too long..(-:

Let’s hope so Jim....surely it can only get better, thank you for your comment.

You certainly gone for your colour in this Fiona lovely jubbly.

Lovely, Fiona - lively and great colours - I remember that brief spell!

Love those colours Fiona, nice to see your post, I hope I haven't missed any.

Thank you very much Dennis.....I can’t seem to help myself when I look at all the juicy colours in my pastel box....lol Margaret, it seems soooo long ago now, thank you. No you haven’t missed any Lesley, I haven’t posted very much lately, thank you very much for your comment.

I like that Fiona. It’s imaginative with colour and I can see the landscape coming through the colour fine. Your colours have put more interest into the landscape for the viewer.

Fab use of colour and marks Fiona,

Well I do like this Fiona. Beautiful repetition of colours, I see lovely reflections and reeds and grasses by the water.

The kind of art I like most...you can see what it is, but you've made it distinctively your own. Very imaginative.

Excellent work Fiona, something that bit different and expressive which has worked well. I'm just getting back into my stride! Not easy...

Full of dynamic colour.

This is eye-catching, Fiona, love the mix of colours.

I love this, Fiona! Great colours, great marks and great composition.

It's my first look at the site for a while, and wow fiona!, you've got all colourful... It.'s great..

Fiona this is really exciting. Almost a Kandinsky point and line to plane. Have you read his book?

Thank you very much Michael, Sylvia, Marjorie and Lewis for your wonderful feedback. As always when I use a lot of colour I’m unsure about it, but how can you not use the lovely vibrant colours of pastels!

Alan, Stephen, Jenny, Satu, Alan C ......thank you all very much for your kind comments, very much appreciated. Alan B......lol....well, can you guess who I thought of when I finished this? Yes you, I think it’s the orange! How are you getting on, hope you are all geared up for your outdoor painting trips. The main thing is, I hope the op has done the trick and you are now pain free. Look forward to seeing your ‘colourful’ work again.....get cracking!

Lovely fresh piece, Fiona...that brief spring did not come here yet, however everything is still bright green, so unusual here!

A riot of colour ! Definitely got your name on it !

Wonderful matching colours, Fiona.

Thalia, Richard and Cesare.....many thanks for your smashing feedback.

Hi fiona, this is beautiful! Are these all pastels? Love the vibrancy

Hi Jackie, thank you for looking in.....yes this one is all done in soft pastels.

This is just perfect - it takes painting to new level.

These is great use of colour Fiona.

Shaun thank you very much, I have a way to go to catch up with your use of pastels.

This is the painting that caught my eye amongst your entries, Fiona. It is intriguing because of your use of contrasting colours. I love the way the wind is blowing its signature on the trees and bushes in the distance, whilst the rushes and grasses in the foreground are standing straight and tall.

Stella, thank you very much for your wonderful description of what you see in this picture.

Beautifully bright and cheerful Fiona. Am doing a bit of a catch-up of my favourite artists, following seems no longer to be working.

Ooh! I like this! Lovely work :- )

You are very welcome Fiona (in reply to the ‘thank you’ you left on my page) Happy painting & pasteling! :- )

Thanks Andrea!

What an original style you have! I've never seen anything quite like it. I love your work and this one is my favourite so far.

Thank you Bill, very kind. It’s an old one and when I was trying out pastels so a little rough. Lol.

Hang on Studio Wall

A4 soft pastel on uart. I did this a few weeks ago when we had that brief taste of spring......sunny evenings and soft sunsets. Where did they go.....lol!

About the Artist
Fiona Phipps

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