Leicester Cut

Leicester Cut

Drama, drama and more drama....so much atmosphere .

Works really well in monochrome Fiona, gives it loads of drama and atmosphere.

I do remember the last one Fiona and I did remark how good it was and would have given me a great subject for a large oil. This one is equally as good, some really decent drawing skills going on, I like it!

Looks great Fiona, love the way the steam/smoke arising from the chimneys, very effective

Very atmospheric, Fiona.

Thank you Margaret, I've gone from bright colour to black & white! Thanks Sylvia! Many thanks Val, I nearly did it in watercolour like the last one I did but thought the monochrome might have more impact....I tried anyway. Thank you Alan, I still think you could have done a brilliant impression in oils of the last one, even this one. Thanks also about the drawing, hope it's getting a bit better. Thank you David, I don't know this place myself, my husband is the Leicester lad and he could be one of these fishing in the cut. He remembers also the steam rising from the water, he said it was always warm, which attracted the fish. Ellen thank you.

Looks really effective Fiona,

Oh, Fiona, I love black and white and you have done a tremendous work here! The simple shape of the buildings is very effective and the smoky sky just great.

Atmospheric, never saw the fishermen till i read it.. great..

Fantastic representation, Fiona. As others have said, so much drama is created with monochrome, unexpectedly sometimes. There's something almost hypnotic about this work, it really draws me in.

Linda, Satu, Peter, thank you very much! Satu, I feel another one coming, a scary one!

Thank you very much Ann, appreciate your feedback.

This has great atmosphere Fiona. I really like the dramatic style you have used here.

Only really looked at this now Fiona and it has real appeal. Monochrome has its own charms with so many shades other than just black and white (in this instance) Nice work.

I like scary ones, Fiona....

Great picture, I can hear those fishermen coughing!

So effective Fiona, love the black and white, best way to portray this interesting scene I'd say.

Excellent moody piece Carole

Hello Fiona. Been looking at your gallery some great development and colour busting out on us. This B/W works to very good effect in this piece. That bit of branch hanging over in the top left hand corner gives that extra sense of depth and special sense.

Many thanks Peter, Jim, Willie (lol) Carole and Dermot, appreciate your comments. Satu, the next one will have the little children scuttling under the blankets! Some grown ups too perhaps...lol. John, lovely to hear from you and thank you very much for your lovely words. I hope you will come back to the gallery to post and comment, I for one, miss your advice and feedback. X

Thank you very much Gudrun.

Hang on Studio Wall

16x14 charcoal, chalk and a bit of pastel on canson paper. I did a watercolour of Leicester cut and power station a while back from a different angle, this one is taken from Western Boulevard of the cut, the Liberty building (with it's mini replica of Liberty on the roof) and the power station in the distance. Done from an old black and white photo of a few fishermen and the steam rising from the water.

About the Artist
Fiona Phipps

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