Somewhere in Devon


A lovely landscape Fiona you have done it beautifully , I love the colours.

Beautiful Fiona, I like the title too, gives it an air of romance as Devon often does.

A lovely loose watercolour Fiona, with great distance. Looking forward to the oil!

It’s Devon Fiona-ised I like spontaneous marks.

Wonderful colour and love the 'loose' application of paint- A beauty Fiona-

Looks lovely Fiona.

A nice vista, well captured. Be interested to see the oil version.

Lovely practice!

Really good colours , nicely painted, will look good in oils.

As a Devon lass I can really appreciate this, but tantalising that I don’t know where it is. Lovely rendition, Fiona.

Paul, Sarah, Tessa, John, Rachel, Denise, Andrew, Sarah, Stephen, Linda…..thank you all for your encouraging and confident feedback. I’m dreading having a go at the oil now……😂 Linda, does Castle Hill north Devon ring any bells, it sounds familiar to me.

Your happy freedom shows through Fiona.

Lovely soft loose painting Fiona

Wish I were there Fiona.

Somewhere very nice!

Lovely loose vista!

Sylvia, David, Christine, Heather, Martin, Anne……..many thanks for your positive comments.

Thanks Spencer!

Lovely loose watercolour Fiona, be interesting to see how the oil turns out x

Thank you Katy……I haven’t started the oil yet, other things keep getting in the way!

Hang on Studio Wall

Sketchbook watercolour. Sorry about the title. I know it’s in Devon, a private estate where a friend of mine shoots……. he took the photo….thanks Mike! It’s a precursor to an oil I’ve sketched out, a practice I suppose.

About the Artist
Fiona Phipps

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