When We Had Our Summer.......


Very atmospheric, Fiona. The tree in the foreground gives it great depth.

A very nice painting, you have certainly achieved the misty early morning light. Has a very moody look to it , even quite sultry looking, a lot of mood in it for sure.

You have certainly captured the early light and the promise of sunshine ahead Fiona. I admire how you retain a certain starkness in your landscapes, giving them an air of mystery.

A very lovely painting Fiona

Lovely atmosphere and warm colours, Fiona. Yes, let’s hope for some more summer days before winter comes - the days are drawing in all too quickly already.

A beautiful light purity in this one, Fiona. So fresh, and the crisp strokes of the foreground tree and grasses make it dynamic too. Lovely one.

A piece that conveys the warmth and feel of summer perfectly. Love the very lively lines and marks in the foreground against the misty backdrop. It's so effective in capturing depth and atmospheric perspective. Lovely work, Fiona!

Lovely soft gentle colours, hopefully we haven't seen the last of summer!!

Love the foreground trees and the promise of a lovely day. There WILL be more summer, we have ordered good weather for September when we visit Loch Awe and Sutherland (to make up for last year, lol)

I love the way the foreground bush and grasses in combination with your color pallet give such a sense of depth to the painting, great effects with the wet into wet and with just a few brush strokes giving the lay of the land and a really great sky, nice one Fiona.

And thank you so much for your comments on my acrylic dry stone wall painting.

Great sun with a misty feeling. Like the foreground tree and hopefully we will have some more summer days,

Simple and beautiful

Thank you all very much for your generous comments, you say the nicest things. Thought you would like to know that the sun is shining! I think you all willed it to be so.....long may it last. Thank you again.

What a great title. I love the misty atmosphere and contrast of harder lines in the foreground

This is lovely Fiona. Yup, summer does seem a fairly distant memory here too with the central heating on for at least a wee bit most days! You do have a stunning view - love that area.

I like the looseness of the brush work Fiona

Love the title. When we had our summer... it was lovely, as is your painting Fiona. Lovely warm colour palette & I like the wet in wet.

Lovely painting Fiona - very atmospheric and relaxing.

Many thanks Diana. Margaret we’ve had the wood stove lit today! Can’t believe it...lol. Thank you for your comment. Maureen many thanks. Appreciate your comment Stevan, thank you. Thank you Brian, sometimes the summers on the west coast of Scotland can be fleeting, or so it seems. I wouldn’t be anywhere else though, despite my complaints. Carol, thank you! How’s the fight with the brambles going?

Fabulous atmosphere Fiona!!

Thank you Shaun!

the way you've created the sunset suggests the end of a wet winters day. Excellent.

Thanks very much for your comment Stevan.

Beautifully atmospheric Fiona. I do hope you are having some more good days.

Hello Sandra and thank you. It’s been a super day here today!

Nice misty painting Fiona. Looks like you are having a summer like us. just dismal.

It is a bit Dorothy, we have the odd day but nothing blistering! Thank you for your comment.

Hang on Studio Wall

16”x14” watercolour on Waterford. When we had our summer........ a few fine days in May here in Galloway, I witnessed early morning views like this looking out over the Carse towards the Cree estuary and Galloway hills. For the last week or so, I haven’t seen either of the above, except for the odd glimpse. Warm, misty mornings with an eerie stillness, I hope we have a few more before winter sets in....lol.

About the Artist
Fiona Phipps

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