At the coaling tower.


Where is the coaling tower? Beautiful engine, Paul!

I love this a reminder of a time past. Great details, you must be very happy,

Super painting Paul, the figure emphasises just how big these engines are when not standing on a platform.

I love it Paul, the great nostalgic age of steam - that touch of reddish colour is lovely.

Excellent watercolour.

This is good work, Dixie.

Looks good to me Dixie, the only thing i would do is deepen the darks underneath the engine and between the wheel spokes. Really well done.

Great painting Paul, so much detail

Thank you all for you kind comments. I find trains difficult to paint a quite a challenge, but still love to paint them. Region, a coaling tower is used to fill the engines coal tender with the large amounts of coal needed very quickly. David I did originally have it darker , but decided to lighten it a bit under and around the wheels as it seemed to distract the eye to focus of on that area , thanks for the suggestion .

Good one Paul

Well done Paul, difficult subject in a difficult medium.

Great work Paul, lots of lovely detail of a past era.

Wonderful watercolour Paul. Great details, colour, washes and love how you have painted the steam.

Lovely work, Paul- steam engines are fascinating.

Thank al for you very kind comments that are much appreciated. I agree Ann there is something fascinating about old engines etc, and of course they make great subjects for paintings.

Excellent Paul. You really have great style with these vintage and nostalgic paintings.

Excellent work Paul! You bring these old beauties to life with your dedication and love of the subject.

Any thanks Richard and Fiona for you comments they are appreciated very much.

Great painting Paul, lovely details. You have captured the atmosphere very well.

Thank you for taking the time to comment Gillian, you comments are appreciated. I do love old photos that give us the opportunity to capture these great atmospheric events.

Another excellent painting of machines.

Great atmosphere here.

Hang on Studio Wall

Slightly less than a3, watercolour filling the tender with coal at the coaling tower, Oiling whilst waiting. The original photo was very blurred, and the engine seemed to have red , sorry to those who are train buffs if I got it wrong. Made several changes to the tower to reduce the background.

About the Artist
Paul (Dixie) Dean

I have sketched most of my life on and off I became interested in watercolour following a spinal injury whilst in hospital but did not follow it up. My eldest daughter bought me a beautiful wooden box set of half pans about twenty five years ago I dabbled on and off until retirement twelve years…

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