Those old dancing shoes


Like this a lot Paul, it's a beauty!

Very nice Paul, especially as done in less than 10 mins, it would have taken me much longer.

Wow great for 10mins Paul 🙂

Took me a while to work this out Paul, but great now I see it!

Very nice, Paul!

A good one, Paul!!

10mins extremely well spent Paul.

A fine ten minutes Paul lovely in its simplicity.

Thank you for your kind comment, Rikke, Heather, Denise, Faye, Frank Anne and David they are appreciated. I’m pleased you worked you worked it out Frank.

Val and Chris thank you for your comments, we must have been typing at the same time .

Different and very good Paul.

Thank you Richard , sometimes a photo or something says paint me , I did this as a sketch a few weeks back. I was tidying my stuff away and been a devout Yorkshireman fell sad at the waste of paint in the pallet hence the quick painting, I do think simple work well especially when it’s a hot day.

Ten minutes well spent.

Thank you Denise your kind comment is appreciated.

A lovely design, well executed Paul.

Paul, I thought it was an abstract at first, I think because it was up close. Then I saw the shoes…..very nice pen work and delicate colour.

I was about to say the same as Marjorie!

Thank you Sarah, Carole and Marjorie for your kind words. I initially intended to colour the feet and calves but decided it might look better with the suggestion of them. Old shoes left in the shape of the last dance so speak.

Delicate and elegant. Really lovely

Have just noticed this and I love it.

Thank you for your kind comment Valerie it’s much appreciated.

Thank you Diane, I wanted the shoes to look old and faded I chose not to paint the feet as if the shoes were dancing on their own and they were reliving a memory, a bit heavy for me but it what it said to me.

Hang on Studio Wall
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A4 pen and wash using leftover paint done in just less then ten minutes. Not sure the colours would meet the approval of the ballet establishment.

About the Artist
Paul (Dixie) Dean

I have sketched most of my life on and off I became interested in watercolour following a spinal injury whilst in hospital but did not follow it up. My eldest daughter bought me a beautiful wooden box set of half pans about twenty five years ago I dabbled on and off until retirement twelve years…

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