Woodlands stream


Sorry about the poor photo I can’t seem to get it in focus I think the camera is a confused as I am with this .

Looks good to me Paul, well painted.

Lovely mossy woodscape, your stream has a gentle movement. Nice work.

Lovely flowing stream Paul

Stephen, Carol and Christine thank you for your kind comments you made my day as I was really doubting the quality of this painting.

All that moss is really good

Lovely mossy greens Paul, nice painting.

It seems there are many times we think our paintings are just not good enough don't we? I am glad it's not just me! The water looks great and is definitely moving!

Lovely greens Paul 💚

Heather , Carole, Coral and Cathy thank you for you very kind comments. I think it’s part of our creativity that we doubt our work , I used to think it was a very British thing but so many artists from around the world expressed that little bit of uncertainty .

The composition is excellent Paul, and so carefully painted with all those greens!

Thank you Alan , I did this simply because I knew it would challenge me and it certainly did. The plus side is that I gained so much from struggling with it , making mistakes, correcting them , new ways of doing things it’s all in there . It certainly hasn’t put me off having a go at difficult scenes if anything it given me the confidence to have a dabble regardless of they outcome.

Lovely painting, so good as always.

I like it very much, these mossy woodland scenes are fascinating.

Thank you Valerie and Lew for your much appreciated comments.

Like the green, mossy look and the flowing stream, Paul

Very nicely painted - lovely clear colours!

Nice work , you've captured the texture of the moss and the movement of the water really well. I did a similar scene years back and I agonised over it for days. You are not alone! The result was worth the effort.

This looks great Paul, glad you didn't put it in the bin.

Maureen, Anne , Andrew and Denise thank you for your comments.

Well I think it's lovely Paul! I love the composition and the lovely mossy effect you have got with those greens. I would be happy to have it on my wall - am glad you kept with it.

ah, that turned out beautifully Paul. And thank you for your openness, to say how you struggled with it; there one feels immediately with and understands such a thing all too well. Admirable that you have continued - because it was very worthwhile. The colors are very harmonious and the flowing water I like very much! This mossy comes extremely well to advantage, I like it very much!

Posted by Tanja G. on Wed 01 Mar 20:32:26

Thank you Sarah and Tanja for you loving comments.

The water is excellent Paul, and the soft cushions of moss is well described.

Glad you stuck it on Paul😄. You got the feel of the damp mossy woodland very well.

Another challenging painting Dixie, glad you didn’t bin it!

Thank you Fiona Marjorie and Tessa I appreciate you that you have taking time to look and comment.

So good and so green!!!

David and Spencer thank you for you comments they are appreciated.

It’s a brilliant watercolour Paul. To create the moss so effectively in watercolour is a feet in itself .Don’t doubt your abilities.

Hang on Studio Wall
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A3 watercolour on loose canvas. Another in my rainforest series, I have struggled with this one I don’t usually paint moving water and all those greens, I must be a glutton for punishment, several times it headed for the bin but I was determined to see it through to completion. I thought about not posting it as I see so many bits I’m not that chuffed with nice comments from a good friend persuaded me to stick it on.

About the Artist
Paul (Dixie) Dean

I have sketched most of my life on and off I became interested in watercolour following a spinal injury whilst in hospital but did not follow it up. My eldest daughter bought me a beautiful wooden box set of half pans about twenty five years ago I dabbled on and off until retirement twelve years…

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