Busy Sea Lane or Right hand down a bit.,


Well Painted Paul. Right hand down a bit reminds me of the Navy Lark on the radio, many years ago.

Terrific movement and sense of speed here Paul. Love the overall palmette.

Oopps….that should read palette!

A super tug Paul. The other boats in the background really add to the scene. A lovely painting.

Thank you a George, Fiona , Neil and David I really appreciate your kind comments. Yes I think that where I got the line from George, can remember every listing to it at the time.

Good one Paul, the smoke is particularly well painted.

Wonderful Paul.

Super tug Dixie and an excellent background. Reminds me when I was a child my dad used to take us to the docks in Cardiff and I loved watching the tugs escorting the larger ships in and out of the docks, now long gone and changed into Cardiff Bay.

Your boats are always very good indeed, Paul!!

Very atmospheric Paul, smokey and industrial.

Very good Paul.

Val ,Denise, Tessa, David , Marjorie and Karen thank you so much for your lovely comments. I remember going to Harwich docks to catch a troop ship to the Hook of Holland, I was about five at the time and can still smell , heat and see those superb ships and tugs . Gibraltar as a superb placed to see all the dockyard action as you said Tessa sadly all gone and modern ships don’t have the same character.

A good composition, nicely painted Paul.

Many thanks Andrew for you kind comment.

Really well constructed and painted Dixie. Great movement

Great sense of movement Paul and the other boats make the composition.

Like it Paul, the tug has so much character.

Martin , Christine and Hillary thank you for your comments I appreciate them.

Excellent painting Paul, those background boats add alot of depth to it

Great composition.

Love the watery water

Hang on Studio Wall

A4 watercolour on 140 lb smooth paper. A scene made up but inspired by several online photos . I use a reference photo for the tug , changing colour and the overall shape to fit what I wanted . I have concentrated on maritime paintings recently as it’s my way of getting back into painting regularly I’d develop the bad habit of doing to many different things at the same time , not really focusing enough on ant subject . Better that using a big stick I think.

About the Artist
Paul (Dixie) Dean

I have sketched most of my life on and off I became interested in watercolour following a spinal injury whilst in hospital but did not follow it up. My eldest daughter bought me a beautiful wooden box set of half pans about twenty five years ago I dabbled on and off until retirement twelve years…

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