Push and Shove, or get out of my dust bath.


Good one Paul, like the way you've created movement with all that red dust

Good one Dixie. I wouldn't like to get in their way.

You’ve captured this tussle between the elephants very well. I like how you’ve incorporated a dust like appearance into the ground area as they push against each other. Good one Paul.

Heather , Lew and Spencer thank you for taking the time to look and comment I really appreciate it. Definitely not a place to be Lew , they probably won’t even notice the have stomped on us . A loving power house , no wonder they have been used for heavy work over the centuries.

You’ve captured the power of the elephants Dixie and the scrap and movement between them. I also like the red dust being churned up. Good one! I like it.

Lovely movement in this one, Paul!

This is so expressive. Love the drama of the tussling and the heat of the dusty sand Paul.

Tessa, Michael, David and Carole thank you for taking the time to comment I do appreciate it.

Excellent painting Paul, the movement and colour.

This is super, Paul, well done. Very original subject!

Excellent Paul!

My favourite Wild Animal too Paul and agree with your sentiments. This is a jolly good painting and glad you have shown it.

Thank you for you comment, Stephen, Martin , Mia, Andrew, Chris and Martin I really appreciate it.

Looking good Bill, really well painted!

Super Paul- real movement and atmosphere in this.

Marvellous contrasts of colour.

Nicely done!

Stephen, Russell and Romila thank for your kind comments I appreciate them.

Nice one, Paul - the dust around them works so well!

Works very well, the dust gives the movement, and I do like the second title.

Thank you Sandra , I prefer the second title too.

Glad you posted this Paul, it is very good

Thank you Richard for you kind comment.

A beautiful painting Paul. I find it interesting that you have successfully conveyed the power of the elephants with delicate colours.

Thank you Diane for your kind comment, I love trying to use as little paint as possible yet achieve my aim . I was told it’s because in Yorkshireman and a bit tight with brass.

Excellent Paul, you’ve got that feeling of dust and sand being stirred up by their pushing and shoving.

Thank you Fiona for you comment I really appreciate it.

Next best thing to being there!

Great action piece Dixie.

Cory and Michael thank you for your kind comments I appreciate them.

Excellent work. Thank you for liking my latest

Hang on Studio Wall
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A4 watercolour of two bull elephants in a power struggle. Did this a couple of weeks ago but did not like it enough to post , since then it became more acceptable to me. One of my favourite animals and one I find difficult to paint . Sadly they are so vulnerable and easy pray for the lowlife that slaughter them for a bit of ivory.

About the Artist
Paul (Dixie) Dean

I have sketched most of my life on and off I became interested in watercolour following a spinal injury whilst in hospital but did not follow it up. My eldest daughter bought me a beautiful wooden box set of half pans about twenty five years ago I dabbled on and off until retirement twelve years…

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