Oh come on , will you.


I really like the chickens! Live their poses. The horse does look mildly peeved, like it a lot!

Lovely scene Paul and I think you’ve painted the horse looking just as you wanted and great little hens.

You have definitely caught that look on the horse Paul. Lot's to look at. Lovely painting.

Thank you Sarah, Christine and Denise fir your very kind comments . I was a bit worried about the horse as I have only recently started to paint them and find them quite a challenge, the chickens were quite hard as well.

Another very fine work, Dixie. I like narrative pictures, and there's plenty going on here.

Aw lovely, amusing little chickens and the horse’s face says it all!

Brilliant title with your beauty painting 🖼

Lew, Carole and Faye thank you for your very kind comments.

Lovely chucks.

Ha ha, I love the pose of that chicken, bottom right. It’s the leg! Well done you for continuing with the horses, once avoided, now coming on a treat.

I really like your painting Paul; the horse and chickens are great!

Thank you Linda, Marjorie and Karen for your comment. Those chickens caused me more hassle than the horse Marjorie, I must have done the three time then thought sod it .

Paul, I can see you becoming a chicken expert soon!

No chance chuck . Mind you over the last week I have looked at hundred of photos and paintings of horse , and a lot had chicken in them too.

Very nice and from imagination too, great job

Super painting, Paul - love your gentle horse and the chickens are such characters!

Thank you Romila and Anne for taking the time to comment, much appreciated.

This is great Paul and I love your description. I also love the chickens!

Lol…..yes I think you guessed his mood well Paul. Your horse has a great pose and so well painted. Nothing wrong with your hens either, in fact I think I recognise one of them…..lol

Thank you Diane and Fiona I appreciate you comments a lot. There is a chicken missing Fiona , your not by chance having roast chuck tomorrow are you .

Just seen this Dixie.. it really tells a story about a pissed of horse… beautifully done.

Love everything about this, Paul, and a great narrative!

Very very good Paul, Great chickens and as said the horse's expression is spot on.

Very good Paul, great chickens and as said the horse's expression is spot on !

Thank you Sylvia , Thalia and Richard for your kind comments, they are appreciated.

So much to like here Paul, love it!

I think it's a really attractive farmyard scene, good to have created it from your imagination.

Thank you Hillary for your valued comment.

A familiar scene to me Dixie as our one daughter has horses and chickens which peck around as if they own the place! I also like a feeling of humour which you’ve managed to capture here.

Thanks Tessa , it’s really nice when someone who is familiar with a scene comments. I hope to get across that the horse was fed up of waiting, I’m sure they do in reality.

Really good Paul. I like the horses expression and the chickens are super.

Thank you for your comment David , it’s much appreciated.

A lovely painting Paul. I agree with Carole, chickens are active, horse is bored.

Thank you Ruth I really enjoyed painting this .

Hang on Studio Wall

A watercolour on 24 x32 cm 200 gsm paper . Imaginary scene set in farmyard early morning . I have tried to give the horse a bored look , shifting from foot to foot. As if it’s thinking you got me out dressed me , the piss off for cuppa, oh come on get on with it. Bit disappointed as the deep chestnut colours won’t show so well on the photo , but I’m pleased with the horse not sure of the chickens.

About the Artist
Paul (Dixie) Dean

I have sketched most of my life on and off I became interested in watercolour following a spinal injury whilst in hospital but did not follow it up. My eldest daughter bought me a beautiful wooden box set of half pans about twenty five years ago I dabbled on and off until retirement twelve years…

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More by Paul (Dixie) Dean