Tornado in Afghanistan.


Great job Paul, a lot of work has gone into this!

Very nice work, it encouraging me to perhaps have a go and pen and watercolour again.

Nice work, Dixie.

Saw this progressing on the forum Paul, you have made a wonderful job !!

Many thank for your comments gents, they are much appreciated. It was enjoyable doing this but quite stressful and trying at the same time. I have another in mind of a Lysander returning from a photo recce mission, but that’s for another day.

Great effort Dixie. Looking forward to the next work.

Michale thank you very much for your comment, I take it as a great complement coming from such a good aviation artist as yourself.

Just wonderful Dixie!

Sounds as though this one has stretched you Paul, but what a magnificent piece you’ve created! I like the addition of the crew, gives it that working feel. Hope they haven’t got it fired up, such a noisy aircraft!

Very good detail Paul, I love pen and wash . Gill

Lovely watercolour Paul! Look forward to seeing more :)

Thank you for your comments Tessa, Fiona, Gillian and Anthony they are much appreciated. I did find it challenging and testing Fiona, however I have learned a lot from doing it, and liked the challenge.

John and Mark your comments are much appreciated.

Beautiful details Dixie

After all the angst you made a great job of this Paul - watercolour did work!

Thanks Anjana and Marjorie, yes watercolour did work better than I thought it would. I needed to forget what most aircraft paintings look like in acrylic and oils, and accept what they look like in watercolour. I have to say I quite like the finish , does seem to soften the lines a bit.

This works really well Dixie - very nicely done.

Thanks for this very evocative picture of a veritable 'war-horse'. Best wishes for Your charity work on behalf of RAF Benevolent Fund.

Thank you Margaret and Graham for your kind comments.

Nice work Paul, you must know every part of that plane.

This is fantastic!

Thank you all for the kind comments and taking the time to look at my painting.

Hang on Studio Wall

A3 watercolour of ground crew servicing a RAF Tornado in Afghanistan. Was difficult to paint and a great learning experience. I have added the logo of the Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund, who do great work supporting ex RAF personnel, serving members and their families.

About the Artist
Paul (Dixie) Dean

I have sketched most of my life on and off I became interested in watercolour following a spinal injury whilst in hospital but did not follow it up. My eldest daughter bought me a beautiful wooden box set of half pans about twenty five years ago I dabbled on and off until retirement twelve years…

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More by Paul (Dixie) Dean