Denia Harbour – Plein air oil sketch.

Denia Harbour – Plein air oil sketch.

I'm always impressed with your use colour and light and this no exception.

Another full of atmosphere painting Alan. Makes me want to be there.

Nice "pearly" effect to simulate the cloud and water Alan. Good overall effect and a nice scene.

You have captured the essence of the place Alan I read it as a busy waterfront which is enhanced by the castle towering above it.

Like the effect you have achieved, it looks different from your usual style, it's quite soft looking, 😀

This is a treat for the eyes Alan. Love everything about it, especially the water and those lovely splashes of red.

Very recognisably yours Alan, and interesting to see a difference in style. Good feel to this one.

This is different, like it. Good colour and style.

Love the very tangible moist looking atmospheric effects, Alan.

I think the ‘immediacy’ helps to make this very spontaneous -great work Alan.

Add my admiration to the thread. A very warm and loose sketch that captures the essence and spirit of Denia. The castle is everything. Bri

I very nearly missed this Alan. First chance I’ve had to look at the gallery and it’s already teetering on the cusp of page three! I know the castle is an important feature of the backdrop of the harbour but I prefer it with the castle cropped out. The boats and harbour are lovely with the pastel colours and shimmering water.

I missed this one, Alan, beautiful scene and colour, very fresh image.

Must have been tricky with all those boats but you have made a great job Alan. I like the light on the water

a Wassily Kandinsky painting is what this makes me think of, it is an interesting painting !

Thanks everyone for your comments and observations, appreciated.

I like the loose description of the boats. It works really well. Also I like the red/green axis, it’s unusual for a Mediterranean subject I think - maybe suggested by that cloudy day...

Hang on Studio Wall

A complicated subject that needed several hours to do it justice, but that wasn’t possible. Oil on board 30 x 40cm. I posted the pen and ink version a short while ago, but thought you might like to see this quickie in oils, which I painted the following day. That’s Denia castle in the background. Cloudy day so not the usual Mediterranean light that is so lovely to capture.

About the Artist
Alan Bickley

Having studied fine art and graphics at both Stafford and Derby college, my career working as a graphic artist and latterly as editorial artist with Northcliffe Media Ltd, has kept me constantly in touch with all aspects of art and design. Painting mainly in oils, acrylics and watercolour, my…

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