Dockland Scene.

Dockland Scene.

I always like the light & colour you intoduce into your work. Regarding the crane, you are breaking the rules but the composition is all the better for it.

Works well Alan. I didn't feel it needed more figures.

And into the corner too. Who cares, rules are meant to be Broken. Like the smaller cranes in the distance, echoing the main one.

I like the high perspective you have chosen Alan. This makes it a very interesting painting to explore.

Beautiful scene and colours, Alan. I think it don't needel more boats or figures, I like it as it is, not too much busy.

This is so good Alan, great perspective and regression. I would love to see what you would have down with that London skyscape on the celebrity painting program last night !

Really like this, Alan. Great work from your imagination. I think the crane placement is fine, had you had it facing the other way I think it would have spoiled the painting.

A fabulous industrial scene, Alan. I think the crane if perfect.... it doesn’t dominate.

Rules broken perfectly!

You know I have someone in the house that is a great fan of scenes like this Alan, well I’m not going to let him see It’s so interesting with a wonderful palette which enhances the subject.....the crane is the star of the show.....fab darling.

Interesting to see a scene from your imagination Alan, and you’ve used more restricted subtle colours. Very compelling.

Lovely comments guys, appreciated immensely. Glad you liked the crane positioning.

I am pretty weak on composition rules so had to look at the crane to see what you meant. I love the palette, subject and aerial perspective.

Great painting Alan, gorgeous atmospheric light, magic.

Brilliant as always Alan. I think the crane is spot on . Nice way to go.

Excellent painting Alan my sort of scene as I know like me you’re a big fan of this sort of picture , you’ve caught the mood perfectly

You could say the crane is leading into the painting Alan. Bags of interest. Super .

Some late Easter comments, cheers for that, appreciated.

Brilliant, Alan, as always. Love it!

Hang on Studio Wall

Oil on Talens canvas board 40 x 50cm. Almost entirely made-up composition, something I don’t often do, but it does give you complete freedom! The foreground crane was researched to ensure some degree of authenticity. Painted over a couple of sessions, it could possibly benefit from a few more figures and another boat or two - perhaps it’s Sunday! Something different from my normal sea/landscapes. Broken one of the rules here, by deliberately facing the crane out of the picture!

About the Artist
Alan Bickley

Having studied fine art and graphics at both Stafford and Derby college, my career working as a graphic artist and latterly as editorial artist with Northcliffe Media Ltd, has kept me constantly in touch with all aspects of art and design. Painting mainly in oils, acrylics and watercolour, my…

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