Chartley towards Weston Village.

Chartley towards Weston Village.

I always enjoy seeing artists preparatory studies, they are quite instructive. Look forward to reading your next e-newsletter. Good of you to share your knowledge with us.

Lovely depth with this with the church spire in the distance Alan, looking forward to your demo.

Dreamy washes in the background and energetic brush strokes with thicker paint applied in the foreground, works well together. I like the two silhouettes.

Even your prep studies are instantly recognisable Alan

Instantly recognisable Alan. Good work as ever. I love bold and confident

Yes Alan lovely lively study

Even the “preliminary sketch” is lovely, Alan. Instantly recognisable.

Lovely flowing lines Alan, it all looks very relaxed and instinctive but we know there's more to it than that.

I agree with the other comments, Alan. Looking forward to the definitive painting and newsletter.

Great sketch, Alan, and great contrasting lines from the flowing foreground to the parallels of the background. I'm already looking forward to your completed demo/oil. Bri

Such a good sketch Alan. That grey paper works well with your colour choice.

Agree with all the other comments Alan. You have a style that’s easy on the eye, instantly recognisable and very confident. Look forward to your article.

Instantly recognisable as one of yours Alan. Gorgeous colours and strong composition as ever.

Confident and lively sketch Alan, your sketches always look fresh. Look forward to the demo and the painting!

As others have said you work is so instantly recognisable and this is so good. I look forward to the newsletter.

Lovely sketch Alan.

Love the bright highlights and sombre dark colours, great combination.

Look forward to the article Alan. Like this .

Stunning as usual, Alan - great variety of marks and lines, with truckloads of vitality and movement.

Hang on Studio Wall

This is the preliminary sketch for my feature coming up in the February e-newsletter. It's called 'How to pick out colour in a snow scene'. The main demo is in oils, but I often like to make a few rough sketches like this one before diving into the main painting. This little ink sketch is on A4 Strathmore Toned Gray 300gsm paper.

About the Artist
Alan Bickley

Having studied fine art and graphics at both Stafford and Derby college, my career working as a graphic artist and latterly as editorial artist with Northcliffe Media Ltd, has kept me constantly in touch with all aspects of art and design. Painting mainly in oils, acrylics and watercolour, my…

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