Knowles Farm, Niton IW - "The Humps"


This is superb Robert , beautifully painted the figure and the dog add so much .

Love your use of textures and that little patch of sea peeping out. I also like how you have achieved the height so effectively Robert. A very appealing scene.

Love the changing weather. Good to see some humanity in It too.

Well it did upload and it was worth seeing Robert! What a lovely scene with rolling hills, not easy I imagine.

Very well painted Robert and I agree the figure and the dog add a great deal to the sense of space and height.

Really well painted Robert, the figures really catch your attention.

Thanks all - (picture uploaded from my pc, which is probably the answer: glitches for Mac, Ipad etc).

Super painting Robert and I like how the purples lead the eye through the painting.

I don’t recall seeing it, but it could be before my time at pol… Anyway, I like it, in fact I like it a lot! Not easy dealing with that vast expanse of land, predominantly green land at that, but you’ve excelled here I’d say. Nothing negative to critique here, so it must be good!

There is so much depth in it, Robert. Beautiful scenery!

Lots to like and interest the eye - great addition of the figure and dog

Nice greens Robert , and so like the inclusion of dog and his friend.

That really is beautiful Robert; I love everything about it!

Beautiful 😍

This is a great piece Robert. The addition of the figure and the dog adds further interest to the painting.

Many thanks for the new comments. Alan having nothing to critique - well: I must do more of these open landscapes; it occurs to me that much of my recent stuff has been very focussed on a limited area; a bit of over the hills and far away would seem to beckon.

That’s a beauty Robert, wonderful view.

Interesting painting, I like the glimpse of sea and people walking away in the distance.

To further comments: ta! I think it helped that this one was painted on a smooth surface - and those aren't that easy to find; this was a sheet of MDF, primed with multiple coats of acrylic. So it was easy to just draw with the brush and liquid paint.

I think it's a very attractive, atmospheric, charming painting with an interesting viewpoint. I only saw it because POL put it on Instagram!

Just caught up with this one after your Forum post, love it, especially the figure and dog (love the way the dog is sitting up like his master).

I love the countryside , especially the ups and downs of the hill. Well painted.

Lovely atmosphere Robert.

Posted by Bob Hill on Mon 24 Jul 12:48:11
Hang on Studio Wall

This is an experiment - people have been having troubling uploading to the Gallery, and we want to find out if it's happening to all of us. This is an old painting of mine, acrylic on MDF, in a private collection & the dimensions were probably around 20" by 14".

About the Artist
Robert Jones, Napa

Born November 18th 1950. Former party political agent, former chairman of housing association. Has worked as a volunteer with the NHS since 2000, painting seriously for the last ten years, sporadically for the last 50. Member, National Association of Painters in Acrylic from October 2015.…

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More by Robert Jones, Napa