

I absolutely love this Fiona, mono prints are a side interest for me and I think you've nailed this. Have you seen the work of Dan Tyrell? He has a great aproach and like you he uses up spare materials and items from the kitchen. There is loads of his stuff on YouTube.

And a lovely tribute too Fiona, it's good to see you posting again, I've missed you.

Oh I really like this Fiona.. I am drawn to Black and White with my photography and I think my painting might end up going that way too.. This definitely encourages me to go that way..

That's a superb print of the great man Fiona, lovely work.

I like the unusual stance of this and the black and white is so very effective Fiona.

Great work Fiona, lots of tributes being paid to Vincent on the gallery at moment, I posted one a couple of weeks ago on the gallery, I think I was a bit early with it, I should have kept it back lol ,😀

Anything Vincent, and even better as a monotype print has my approval F. Anyway, I like it... I’ve just spent that voucher on Old Holland oils, pricey or what. I know you use them, but I didn’t let that put me off! Good to see you posting again.

Love this Fiona....recognised him straight away! Glad you are posting again ...I too haven’t posted much for some time for various reasons. x

Thank you very much Steve, glad you like it. I looked up Dan’s it, he has such a relaxed approach and free style. I may have a go at his method of applying the medium to what looks like a plastic bag! Lol. It certainly works.

Thank you Lesley, I’ve missed being here, it’s as if something is missing. Snap Jane, I like black and white images too, paint or photography, especially ink. Thank you for your comment. Thanks very much Carole x Many thanks Carole, I think using just one colour can have impact. Thank you Margaret! I missed yours Linda but I will look in your gallery....thank you. Alan thank you! You didn’t blow the whole lot on paint did you? Mind you it wouldn’t take very long buying Old Holland. I remember ordering a tube of Cerulean blue ......blimey! I like it very much and it goes a long way. Hi Chandra, thank you for your lovely comment, hope to see you posting again.

Lovely to see you posting again Fiona and what an impressive print this is. It really caught my eye.

Hi Carol, thank you very much glad you like it. I’ve just sent you an email.

Hang on Studio Wall

Small monotype, printers ink. I have a poster in the studio from the film Loving Vincent, it’s a still shot of the animated image of Vincent, I used up some leftover ink and did this print from the poster image some while ago. An addition to some of the smashing tributes to some of his work on the gallery at the moment.

About the Artist
Fiona Phipps

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