Collagraph Tree Stump.

Collagraph Tree Stump.

Crikey, Fiona. You’re doing things I’ve never heard of !! I like this though. Very effective. Would look great on a white wall.

Art and glue sniffing. What fun you are having!. Look forward to seeing more of your new challenges.

Energy radiates from this work. The colour and the tones create great mystery.

This is very interesting, Fiona. I can imagine it looks dynamic in the 'flesh' so to speak. When the daylight catches it on my screen, the undulations in all the construction really shows up. It's very intriguing, and so good to see these different creations of yours.

Clever Fiona and that lovely Prussian blue hue.

That's a really powerful and fascinating image, quite apart from the technique. Great work, Fiona.

Lol Seth, I had never heard of it either until I did a bit of research, it’s a bit dark but I quite like the darkness of it. Thank you. Ha ha yes Tony, I’m as high as a kite....with enthusiasm that is! I’v got to collect some other bits of rubbish ( I mean materials) before I can do my next thanks very much. Nick, that’s very kind of you to comment, thank you.....I did enjoy putting it together. The actual plate looks great, better than the print in my opinion. Ann thank you very much, I’m so pleased you like it. The lighter areas are where I’ve dribbled lots of glue to form ridges, once all the bits were stuck down I varnished it. Once dry I inked it, then wiped off the majority with newspaper, then used a bit of kitchen towel to buff up the smoother areas where I had applied the glue. Those areas have come out does look better in the flesh and it’s been raining all day today so the light wasn’t that great to take the photo.

Thanks Michael, wasn’t sure if the blue was a bit too strong, I might try another colour over the top. Trouble is, it soon starts to deteriorate, there are a couple of bits that came off this, after rubbing the ink off. Thank you very much Lewis, appreciate your comment and glad you like it.

You certainly are adventurous and producing some wonderful art Fiona, this looks really terrific and as Seth said it would look great on a white wall.

Wow! Great shapes and lovely range of blues.

I'm jealous Fiona, looks like you are having a lot of fun, I must give this a try. Lots of lovely textures in this and the blue makes it very striking.

Looks great Fiona, an interesting piece. When I'm feeling energetic I lIke using bits and pieces stuck down with Golden modelling paste or gesso then paint. Wouldn't know where to start with printing, well done indeed.

Ps. I must also look up the word collagraph!

Wow this is powerful Fiona, we want to see the plate too!!!!

That's a tall order Fiona, there are a hell of a lot of techniques including many involving dangerous 'acid' type chemicals, acid etching being one, a particular favourite of mine, although it's many years since I did any of that. However, I admire your enthusiasm which is great to see. Anyway dear, a collagraph no less, another interesting form of printmaking, and not one I've tried although I do know the general technique involved. Lot's of cutting out and all a bit fiddly for me, but you've made a smashing job of this considering it's your first attempt. I love everything that's going on here, the stump is good and I am impressed with the foreground foliage - not your usual 'anything will do' tactic to fill the space as quickly as possible. I see that you have cropped it!, does that mean it all spewed out?, I suspect so... I think you're on to something here, this may be your 'thing' keep at it.

I wouldn't know where to begin, very well done!

Collagraph ?. Do admire your experimentation. The More you look at it the more you see.

This looks great Fiona.. its so much fun having a bash at something different and getting messy with it. Look forward to seeing some more.

David thank you, very kind of you. Thanks very much Sandra, I got the range of blues by taking off more or less of the ink.

You’ve got to give it a go Val, you don’t necessarily need a press either. Thanks! Thank you Carole, you can easily get carried away with the things you can use to create textures. Thank you Guy! If there is anything left of it by the time I’ve done a couple more runs from it, I will. I want to try it with different coloured inks.

Alan darling, do you have so little faith in me? Lol. Of course it didn’t all spew out, so your suspicions are quite wrong...tut tut. I’ve cropped it because, the paper dried a bit wavy and I couldn’t flatten it as the ink was still wet. That made the outside indentation edge not very straight when I photographed it.....that would make it look worse than the cropped edge, in my view. Glad you quite like it though.....thank you.

Many thanks Lesley! Thought you would like it Gudrun, thank you. Richard, thank you very much....have you looked it up?! Thanks Rachel, very kind.

Hi Fiona, haven't been posting or commenting much recently as have been busy with other things, but wanted to comment on this one - I just love prints, and this is great, love the colours and all the shapes and textures. I read an article about collagraphs a while ago and have it on my list of things to try, although don't have access to a press, but there seem to be various methods that work without.

Thanks Jenny, I’ll answer on your gallery.

Thanks, Fiona - I'll definitely have to give this a try when I get time!

Wow Fiona this really is something special and I've only just found it. I too will have to look up collagraph. It would appear from some of the many comments that it is a technique for which you don't necessesarily need a press. I've a feeling I would enjoy having a go at this.

Thank you Carol. Yes I think you would enjoy the process. Depending what you use as your plate, you don’t necessarily need a press. Lots of ideas on google.

Quite startling. Love the colour, love the texture and I love the whole thing, very innovative and in some way very Van Gogh.❤️

Hang on Studio Wall

12”x9” collagraph print on watercolour paper. I’m eager to try every kind of print known to man at the moment, whilst I have a printing press to This is my first go at this method, it’s a piece of mount board with the basic trunk shape cut out with a scalpel, then I’ve applied pva and evostick glue to get a texture and also to stick down the fern fronds, wood shavings, raffia, plastic net that the garlic was in, bits of cardboard. I haven’t had this much fun since I was at junior school! It’s a bit naive but can’t wait to have another bash at it.

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Fiona Phipps

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