Split Rock, Clachtoll

Split Rock, Clachtoll

A nice panoramic view Fiona, will it end up as a painting, ? Think it would look good 😀

Ps love the new profile photo 😀

Linda is right about it becoming a painting as this is bloomin' marvellous Fiona.

Thanks Linda! This view is from the headland opposite, if you follow the coastline it takes you to Clachtoll beach. White sands and beautiful blue sea in Clachtoll bay....... The photo was a weak moment of vanity...lol, actually it was my husband recording the rare event of me polishing the hall table! It usually gets a swipe of my sleeve as I walk by...lol. I may put this aside for a winter project Margaret, I’ve done quite a few paintings of it already but I could always approach it with new eyes. Thank you for your comment!

Great sketch and thanks for the low down on it. Always nice to know where we are looking at.

A good sketch Fiona, these panoramic formats are getting popular.

Thanks for the info Fiona - just popped home for half an hour after dropping grandchildren back home, been with them at our caravan, going back there now to pack up tomorrow, busy time, taking back bottle of wine! Lovely sketch by the way, glam photo too! Am trying for a distant up to date one of myself! Back to the arts and craft - we might try and make that.

Thanks Tony, hope you’re okay Alan thanks very much. It didn’t start off as a panoramic, I wasn’t quite sure what to do with the sky area, so just cropped it off. Thanks Marjorie! It’s usually a pretty good weekend, in fact from the program it looks much bigger this year. There is another arts and crafts trail at Whithorn the weekend of the 12th August as well.....not as large. Enjoy the wine......and the peace! Lol

Excellent drawing Fiona.

Great sketch, Fiona.

Many thanks Margaret and Seth, much appreciated.

An excellent study of the rock strata, Fiona....I love it and hope to see a painting derived from this sometime in the not too distant future!

Many thanks Chandra....it may become a subject for another medium in the future.

Hang on Studio Wall

Sketchbook & pencil. A well known landmark on the north west coast of Sutherland, sketched it many times as well as the view from the top of it. I lived in the township of Clachtoll for a while and split rock was only a few minutes walk away. The mountain range in the background is also quite well known to Munro baggers, the far left summits is Stac Pol.

About the Artist
Fiona Phipps

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