Artgraph - trial

Artgraph - trial

Great start in this technique, well done.

Hi Fiona thats looking good, I have a tin of artgraf I got in Lisbon its great but I've not seen the colours until now, looks a lot of fun. I might buy the kneadable putty one. Try mixing liquid soap with it when its wet and you get some ace textures.

This looks great - love the impressionistic style, Fiona

Tony the tree is terrible, it must be especially so, to someone with your excellence with detail! I thank you, I hope to get better. Justin, I think I am going to have fun with them, just wish I had used better paper on this occasion. I got these from Jacksons, I chose the earthy colours but you would probably like the brighter yellow and red rather than the ochre and sanguine. I have the square tailors chalk type, didn’t know you could get a kneadable kind. I’ll give your liquid soap a shot, the texture should be good for foregrounds. Thanks very much! Thank you Margaret, very much, I think they will perhaps lend themselves to that style.

Don't know this stuff at all but you got great gritty lines in this painting and it looks good.

Love the liveliness Fiona.

Very interesting and quite unusual. I do like your colours. I'd never heard of artgraph until you POL artists started using it, must look it up. You really do have a wonderfully exploring take on your art.

Artgraph? Something else to look up. This has a lovely 'spikey' look to it...a walk through this landscape would encounter brambles and prickles. Great use of colour.

I haven’t a clue what your talking about, Fiona, but I love the colours and composition.😀

wow! beautiful mark making love the way you keep moving forward and experimenting Fiona

You're trying something new and it's always good to experiment. I'm yet to be convinced though Fiona, as this does look a bit like chalk that's skidding off the paper! It is probably a paper issue, have you tried using it on watercolour paper which has a bit of tooth? I accept that looking through the comments I am once again out there on my own!

THis has a great sparkle to it Fiona. Super liberal use of colour as well.

Oh this is lovely. Very lively and the palette to x

Fiona, you have used them better than me this is so lively and colourful. I used them on w/c not paper it seems to grab the colour well. I also love to put water on it works like magic as they are so highly pigmented. Glad you like 😊X

Like a lot of people's comments, I'm not familiar with artgraph, but the textures look interesting, well done for giving them a go, 😀

Many thanks Willie, Sylvia, Sandra, Lewis, Seth, David for your feedback and your encouragement.

Definitely a paper issue Alan, I did mention in my write up that I should have tried watercolour paper first. I added water to it which does make it, on sugar paper anyway, sit on the surface. That’s why I put ‘trial’ in the title, some work, some don’t! Lol Thank you for your feedback Alan.

Thanks very much John and Sarah! Carole......thank you for posting your trees done in artgraph and the introduction to it. I did wet this in areas and no this wasn’t the correct paper to try it out on. I may have another bash at the same view but on watercolour paper. I agree about the strong pigmentation, I need to be a bit careful with I’m heavy handed! Thanks very much Linda!

Looks good Fiona, certainly lovely colours and effects

Love the colours and format Fiona, looks fun to do.

I've not heard of artgraph but they look similar to pastels?? Whatever they are they suit your lively mark making Fiona.

Thank you very much David, Charles and Val! Val, I think it’s coloured graphite.

Gorgeous. Like you I have my eye on Artgraph too ....

Gudrun give it a go, very inexpensive and I’m sure you could do wonders with it, especially portrait work.

Nice loose style Fiona with many colours......

Thank you Michael, appreciate your comment.

Many thanks Tomasz!

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12” x 9” artgraph on sugar paper. Carole Swingler posted a tree sketch done with artgraph a few days ago. Her drawing inspired me to obtain a few colours of, ochre, sanguine and black. I should have used watercolour paper, the colours were are a bit dull on the sugar paper, touched up with oil pastel. Thanks Carole, think I’m going to like artgraph!

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Fiona Phipps

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