Birthday Drawing


Fantastic sketch Fiona! Must try your modus operandi……is it necessary to drink the whole bottle oneself? We need to get things clear here. You haven’t mentioned anyone else…..

A super sketch, Fiona. Prosit with the bubbles! Wish I was there, it is raining at the Belgian coast.

What a civilised life you lead Fiona, a picnic with bubbly by the riverside, and a spot of sketching thrown in! I’d say a success all round. 😉

Ah well Marjorie, obviously I’ve been practicing for a good many years so have this picnic lark off to a fine art (pardon the pun) I order the food from a selective catering firm, hubby collects and pays (take note of that particular part of the process) I chill the bubbly, or whatever the tipple is and pack into rucksack. As hubby pays, I allow him to join me in the celebration, plus he comes in handy to carry the rucksack, as I’m in no fit state! Couldn’t be easier darling, try it, seems to work every year for me 😉 Any other adoc picnic, it’s a couple of cheese butties in foil and flask of whatever, depending on the time of year. Thank you for your lovely words. Oh dear Mia, a good reason to get the paints out, thank you.

Thank you Tessa, I’m only civilised on my birthday! I have a day off from being Mrs Grumpy Britches….

You’re certainly gone to town with this drawing… I did say not to rush it in your usual fashion, but you have excelled here! I’m not being critical, honestly I’m not, but a touch too much detail behind those wonderful trees. A damn good effort nonetheless…

A fabulous drawing Fiona

Oh Alan, you have to spoil it! Only kidding darling……I put the extra detail in so you would have something to chastise me about 😉 Thank you for your honesty and encouragement……you know I appreciate it.

Perfect sketch on a perfect day 👌

Thank you very much Heather. Stephen, thank you, it was.

Lovely sketch Fiona - looks an idyllic spot!

It's stunning, Fiona. Atmospheric, lively and lovely light. Beautifully done!

A beautiful sketch - lovely texture on the tree-trunks. ( Looks like the bubbly worked well, Fiona ! )

Super sketch, Fiona, I especially like the way you’ve done the foreground and river, lovely detail.

Excellent sketching Fiona , lots of lovely details. Belated birthday wishes, hope you didn’t have a hangover?.

Aww this is a wonderful sketch and happy birthday for last week and glad you enjoy afternoon tea 🎂 🥳

A lovely rich sketch Fiona. That afternoon tea sounds great!

Sarah, Seok, Anne, Jenny, Paul, Faye, David……thank you very much for you lovely support and kind words, always appreciated.

I like this a lot, excellent style, and I love the difference between the front and back trees and the way you’ve captured the different bark types.

Beautifully and so skillfully drawn Fiona. Much more than a sketch.

Outstanding work Fiona. A gem.

My grateful thanks Andrew, George, Lewis I’m thrilled that you like it……unlike yourselves, drawing is one of my many weak areas.

That is superb Fiona.

Sounds perfect, wonderful sketch Fiona.

Wow! How brilliant is that Fiona! I don’t know if the bottle of bubbly helped but the detail in this is wonderful! Happy Birthday for last weekend.

Wow, fantastic Fiona

Well Fiona you have certainly excelled yourself here. What a very romantic scene and such fine detail so astutely observed. Love that foreground tree with all its markings. Sounds like a great little outing.

Great sketch, will have to definitely try this on my birthday.

Cecilia, Denise, Spencer, Cheryl, Carole, Romila……many thanks for your comments and birthday wishes, you are very kind.

Sounds like you had a good birthday Fiona! What a glorious drawing! Splendid!

I did Diane, thank you.

As Punch says. That’s the way to do it! Nice one Fiona

Beautiful drawing Fiona.

Super sketching Fiona the detail in the tree trunks is fabulous. Really lovely sketch. Belated Birthday wishes to you.

Wow, what a perfect way to spend the day Fiona, and what a perfect spot by the look of your drawing! It sounds and looks idyllic. Your drawing is beautiful; lovely detail.

P.S happy belated birthday!

Amazing what you miss when you don't visit POL for a couple of days! Luckily I spotted this on the home banner. An incredible piece of work Fiona!

Thank you so much Martin, Emma, Brian, Karen and Val……you are very kind and generous, I’m grateful for your comments and good wishes.

Fiona- your work just gets more beautiful- A fabulous piece!

Rachel, thank you very much, you’re very kind!

Sounds like a lovely day! Excellent sketch too!

Sandra and Sarah, thank you both very much.

Hang on Studio Wall

Carbon pencils in sketchbook. A dear friend gave me a beautifully bound sketchbook for my birthday last week so decided to pack it up with my picnic. Afternoon tea, bottle of bubbly cooling in the river and sketching under a canopy of Beech trees watching the wildlife……my perfect picnic……a yearly event. Try and sneak one in inbetween birthdays as well! It started off as a sketch but I got carried away…….must have been the bubbly 🫢

About the Artist
Fiona Phipps

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