Hare and Golden Apples


Great Lino cut of Junior ! Super treatment of the Apple tree.

Well I have to say that this is really superb Fiona, the idea, the design and the printing! I’m certainly impressed...

Bravo for the lino cut. Great design.

Excellent! "Hare and Golden Apples" sounds like it should be a myth ..

Thank you Richard, you were the inspiration for this one! Why, Mr. Bickley, thank you. A great compliment I’m flattered darling. X Many thanks Lewis, appreciated.

Thanks very much Margaret. One more myth to add to the many about Hares, they have such a rich history.....some good, some bad. I’ve just finished reading a book about hares, it was fascinating. This wee chap fit in my hand last year, I nearly ran over him with the ride on mower! I picked him up and checked him over.....no limbs missing thank God. Hid him in some long grass in the headland. He’s been with us since then and we can get very close to him, he doesn’t seem the least bit interested in us when we’re in the garden. If he does move he has a big long stretch then just ambles off until we’ve gone. He almost poses for the camera....lol.

Powerful image Fiona!

I do love lino cuts, Fiona - this is a super design, and a lovely story that goes with it. Hares are one of my favourite subjects to paint.

It great to see a Lino cut, I haven’t seen one for so long. This is brilliant particularly along with the story about your near pet hare.

Lovely one Fiona you're a true artist

Shaun, Heather, Paul, Jenny and Dennis thank you all very much for your lovely comments.

Hang on Studio Wall

Lino cut of junior under the Apple tree. One of last years youngsters who is spending his winter in the garden. He has a favourite shrub he backs into....facing the sunshine of course.....and he wanders up to the apple trees and eats his fill of the windfalls. He then retreats back to his spot, (form) and does this a couple of times a day. A few days ago Richard Cooper posted a lovely drawing of a hare and I told him the tale of this chap and thought, why don’t I make him this years Christmas card!

About the Artist
Fiona Phipps

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