In the lean to .


Another good one, Paul. You are so good at drawing and painting modes of transport - be it a horse or mechanical vehicle.

good one of a tractor

Nothing like a good old tractor

Thank you David , Janet, and Heather for you kind comment. I must admit to loving old vehicles , boats etc and have sketch them for a long time , sketching horse is something new to me , and strangely I had not thought of them as transport , thanks for the prod David.

Great drawing Paul. The tractors are busy here at the moment muck spreading I think!

Thank you Christine and Carole fir you comments. That will be a bit wiffy Carole , not the best job on the farm .

Really good drawing Paul, a watercolour would look good.

Thanks Denise , I was just looking at setting it up .

An excellent drawing of a grand old workhorse. I look forward to the painting.

Another very good vintage one for you Paul. A friend of ours, sadly deceased, had a vintage tractor. Had more than one ride on it. Fun, especially having half Cheshire crawling behind you. 😀

Thank you Lew and Richard for you kind comments. I don’t mind getting stuck behind some of the old machines, particularly traction engines , mmmm haven’t done a steam engine for age.

A great tractor drawing, I think you are right to consider working it up into a watercolour Paul.

Lovely drawing Paul. Look forward In seeing it in watercolour

Great drawing Paul of this old work horse.

Hang on Studio Wall
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A4 pencil sketch of a old tractor in a lean to barn. Adapted from a photo I took a few years ago of a tractor a friend was restoring, it was very poor state at the time . Until he worked on it it was stored in a lean to covered in a tarp. I might do a watercolour one day.

About the Artist
Paul (Dixie) Dean

I have sketched most of my life on and off I became interested in watercolour following a spinal injury whilst in hospital but did not follow it up. My eldest daughter bought me a beautiful wooden box set of half pans about twenty five years ago I dabbled on and off until retirement twelve years…

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