Late Autumn Ploughing


Terrific trees tell her. Nice scene well captured Paul.

Love the trees here Paul. They look as if they are marching.

Very nicely done - especially trees and tractor!

Love this Paul, great trees!

how wonderful that scenery, i like it very much!

Posted by Tanja G. on Thu 05 Dec 12:08:14

Thank you all for your kind comments, they are appreciated by myself and my apprentice.

A lovely scene very well painted by you both

Just great when you get your grandchildren involved. Good result.

I love this one, trees and tractor are superb !!

The trees are very nicely done, and I like the crows too - the birds add to the atmosphere, a lovely scene.

That's lovely Paul, those trees are great and I love the rich yellow.

Lovely Paul and a great job your granddaughter has done with the trees.

Thank you for all the kind comments, I’m sure she will be over the moon when I show them to her .

Great picture Paul.

You and your apprentice have done a grand job creating this rural scene.

You been sneaking in my fields? Like it Paul.

Well she sure is following her granddad very nicely! A chip off the old block. Very good.

Wow. She’s great at trees Paul! Your painting is good too.

Thank you everyone for your king comments .

Lovely. Your granddaughter has obviously inherited your talent Paul.

Love the birds following the tractor.

Fantastic trees for a nine year old Paul. A lovely scene from you both.

Great farming scene Paul

Great combined effort then! Nice job all round…

Carol , Trevor and Alan thank you for your comments.

Well done her and you!

Hang on Studio Wall
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A4 watercolour done in an illustrative style, farm trying to catch up with the ploughing. I was assisted by my granddaughter who worked on the trees for me , nine year old just love to have a go at things , well this one does .

About the Artist
Paul (Dixie) Dean

I have sketched most of my life on and off I became interested in watercolour following a spinal injury whilst in hospital but did not follow it up. My eldest daughter bought me a beautiful wooden box set of half pans about twenty five years ago I dabbled on and off until retirement twelve years…

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