Doing what bees do.


Great rescue Paul, you'd never know. Nice work too!

Well done, Paul. Great painting!

lovely colour palette even allowing for the coffee!

Well done Paul.

Good one Paul 👍

Very worth while rescuing Paul. No one would know. Love the bees and leaves.

Glad you persevered, worth the effort!

Thank you Ross, Mia, Elaine, Denise, Stephen,Carole and Heather for your very kind comments. It really encouraging when you post something that hasn’t come out quite how it was intended too , but get such nice comments. I was so cross at first thst I couldn’t even think about trying to save it, but I didn’t want to throw it away either . I looked at it several time and some of the bits looked good and then I thought what the hell nothing to loose . The flower head I’d much darker than I wanted but in ok with it and forgive the pun it’s growing on me.

Well done you for not giving up on it Paul, lovely work.

Very impressive given its history. Some lovely work here Paul especially on those purple leaves.

Thank you Val and Andrew for your kind comments .

Is this the famous recent spillage Dixie!? It looks pretty good to me, a lovely result.

Thank you Sylvia and Tessa for your comments I really appreciate them . Yes Tessa it the one that had coffee spilt over it , I placed it between thick tissue , paper towels and quite a bit SPCA’s soaked out , I thing fiddled about with some peroxide on cotton buds . It took a long while but eventually I managed to get the centre where the damage was mostly looking off white. I needed to paint the flower head darker to cover up the damage to the paper as I took off a couple of fine layers . I can still see the damage and a bit of the stain but it barely noticeable now .

You've done an excellent rescue job, Paul - it's lovely and the bees do look very busy!

Excellent painting Paul. You have worked hard and have succeeded. Let's hear it for the Bees!!

I like this Paul, it caught my eye in the gallery. The bees are delightful and I like the way you've done the flower head. And applaud your efforts to rescue the work, I'm sure I wouldn't have had the patience!

Beautiful love your bees 🐝

I don’t think most of us could see any damage in this. It was worth all that work.👍🏻

Thank you Anne, George, Sandra, Faye, and Tessa your comments are very encouraging and appreciated. That’s good to know Tessa as the area I’m not happy with stands out to me hopefully in time it won’t . It was the challenge that hooked me Sandra , I was so pleased with the initial painting that i became a bit obsessive about getting it to look better.

A great save Dixie. As others have said, we'd never know. I'm impressed, I thought when something like that happens with watercolour you had to bin it and start again.

Thanks Lew , I just thought nothing to loose and went for it I have to admit that it was more luck than judgement or skill .

You’ve done a super restoration job Paul, well done for your perseverance…….rewarded by a beautiful reminder of that particular moment.

Thank you Fiona , I’m pleased with the recovery results.

Well done Paul. Well worth saving! I’m glad it turned out so well.Lovely.

Hi dear Paul... Lol, looking at your nice art just reminded me few days ago, when I was doing my best to make a video record ... of the BEE! I did manage, eventually, but the bees are so busy, and it was a great challenge to follow its flying trajectory 😁😁😁

Thanks Art ,yes they are different to photograph and video the y don’t sit still for long .

Aw this is great Paul 💕

Lovely flower and bees Paul, it’s so delicately painted.

Thank you Gillian I appreciate your comment a lot.

Paul, you certainly would not know you had been painting with coffee! I must try it sometime. The bees really are busy. Lovely piece.

Hang on Studio Wall
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23x36 cm watercolour of bees just doing their thing . This is a resurrection project as it had coffee spilt over the central area , I originally thought it’s for the skip but with the help of peroxide and a bit of gentle cleaning I removed a fine layer of paint coffee and paper . The flower head is the best I can get it due to the under damaged surface.

About the Artist
Paul (Dixie) Dean

I have sketched most of my life on and off I became interested in watercolour following a spinal injury whilst in hospital but did not follow it up. My eldest daughter bought me a beautiful wooden box set of half pans about twenty five years ago I dabbled on and off until retirement twelve years…

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