Early morning mid Thames.


Nice work, Dixie. I find tugs have great appeal.

great work Dixie, love the way you handled the subject

I agree Lew there is something about them that makes me like to see them and paint them . Amazing powerful little craft though som go the ocean going ones aren’t thst small .

Thanks Alan you must have been posting your comment at the same time as I was writing

Excellent painting Paul.

Love the ghosted background here Dixie, makes the tugs really jump out of the painting.

Lovely, Paul and the background works very well too.

Many thanks for you comments Denise, Anth and Anne the are very much appreciated. My idea was to have the background sort of faded as in mist etc it has made the tugs the focus as I wanted them to be .

Very very good Paul much to feast the eyes on..

A good and interesting painting Dixie, reminds me when I was a kid my dad used to drive us to the docks to see the ships going in and out with the help of the little tugs. It all fascinated us. I like how you’ve concentrated on the two tugs and faded the background.

Good tugs and I like how you've painted the backdrop too

Love the busy distant background a beauty Paul.

Thank you John. Tessa, Heather and Carole for the kind comments. I love to watch them as well Tessa even now when they are more modern looking . When I was posted to Gibraltar they had a paddle tug in the harbour at the time in the 1970s it was still used . I watched it move Art Royal once sadly I did not have a camera at the time nor did I paint , all those missed opportunities.

A fantastic background Paul and the tugs are so beautifully painted. I also like how you have understated the water, giving the painting that early morning look.

Thank you Carole , I pleased you like the effect and that it comes across as I hoped it would .

Just spotted my big mistake, forgot to put the cables to secure them, hope they don’t drift away .

A great composition Paul and an excellent watercolour of these workhorses.

Nice painting. Reminded me of my late father who spent some time as a tug master in both Aden and the Bahamas. Unfortunately I don't have any pics of them.

Thank you Fiona and Steve for your kind comments. Two nice places for your dad to work Steve I was in Aden in the mid sixties for a short while, I thought it was a great place but very tough to live in .

Nice work. Loving the colour combinations.

Hang on Studio Wall

24x32cm 200 gsm watercolour paper . Two Sun tugs sat at buoy mid Thames in the early morning at Gravesend .

About the Artist
Paul (Dixie) Dean

I have sketched most of my life on and off I became interested in watercolour following a spinal injury whilst in hospital but did not follow it up. My eldest daughter bought me a beautiful wooden box set of half pans about twenty five years ago I dabbled on and off until retirement twelve years…

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