A repost


Well it worked . Seem the problem is with the forum .

Works on the gallery Paul, it’ll be sorted out on Monday hopefully… I like this chap! Just needs some heavy shadows to anchor him down somewhat!

Thanks Alan , bit like me then I’m sure I need anchoring as well . I use this as my avatar. It was my very first attempt at painting an elephant and remains one of my favourite paintings , odd how we take a particular liking to certain paintings . I see what you mean by the darker shadows , never really noticed it before.

A magnificent painting, Paul.

Got it and like it!

Yes Alan is right re heavy shadows. Ellie's are so special...this one is a beaut.

Another one worth seeing a second time!

Nice one.

This is so good, glad you reposted!

Mia, Heather, Sylvia, Tessa , Kit and Romila thank you for your very kind comments.

Aww beautiful Paul 😍

Love this Paul. Great to see again.

Superb work Paul, not sure if I’ve seen this one……if I have, it’s still as fresh as the first time!

Faye, Spencer , Christine and Fiona thank you for you very kind comments.

A super dupa elephant Paul.

Many thanks for your comment Carole I appreciate your taking time to look and comment.

Thank you Coral i appreciate your kind comment.

Excellent, Paul.

Many thanks Willie for your kind comments I really appreciate it.

why have I never commented on this? Good you "brought it up" again:) I can only repeat myself: you paint animals so excellent - simply masterful! I love this elephant so! (favorite animal since birth) Never let people with coffee cups near!!!!!! 🤍🖤

Posted by Tanja G. on Tue 04 Jul 10:08:23

Thank you Tanja , I love these big strong delicate beasts this was my first attempt at painting a elephant it’s also my favourite painting. I recently framed it and have it in my shed/ studio.

like this elephant

Lovely gentle creature with strong protective family feelings. A superb painting Paul. Love it. I bet those flapping ears could keep anyone cool!

Thank you Ruth for your kind comment, those ears are nearly as big as mine.

Lovely work Paul.👍

Posted by Bob Hill on Wed 26 Jul 14:18:07

This is beautiful, his stance seems like he is willing to make a friend.

This is stunning!

I’ve only just seen this Paul- it’s lovely. I love elephants and really fear for their future. You’ve captured his magnificence.

Thank you Lea and Julie , these big vulnerable creatures are my favourite animal this was my first attempt and painting one such a challenge. Yes it’s very sad how they are treated just because man is so greedy for their tusks .

Hang on Studio Wall

A 4 watercolour, reposting to test the system as several people are having problems.

About the Artist
Paul (Dixie) Dean

I have sketched most of my life on and off I became interested in watercolour following a spinal injury whilst in hospital but did not follow it up. My eldest daughter bought me a beautiful wooden box set of half pans about twenty five years ago I dabbled on and off until retirement twelve years…

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