A Venice Backwater


Absolutely beautiful Alan

This is so beautiful Alan ,definitely one I would hang on the wall . It looks deceptively simple but I know it takes a lot of skill to get it looking this good.

A lovely moody atmosphere!

Very effective moody piece. I like the white highlights particularly.

U have captured the moment Beautifully U could almost take in that early morning scent only Venice could give Nice

Great work Alan, I bet you enjoyed adding those highlights. Not doing too many is the key and you've got it just right, the light under the bridge in the distance is just perfect.

Great, thanks guys, much appreciated! Yes Russell, adding those all important highlights at the end is a good moment!

Atmospheric Alan a super painting. Great work.

Beautifully done, Alan.

Beautifully painted, an atmospheric piece of work, Alan.

Another little delight 😊 beautiful touches if highlights and composition 🥰

Beautiful, full of atmosphere

Delightful interpretation, Alan!

I love that shimmer on the water Alan, and the beautiful tones too !

Captured beautifully as the sun rises. The misty atmospheric buildings and that lovely shimmer on the water. A lovely painting Alan.

Love the light leading right through that archway.

Some lovely touches Alan especially those patches of light and I like it that you worked from memory also - it always adds dimension in my humble opinion.

My thanks to those of you who took the time to comment, I always appreciate it!

Such an interesting combination of media Alan, and I do like the light and reflections in this, giving it an air of mystery.

This really captures the spirit and atmosphere of Venice. Stunning work, Alan!

I haven’t been to Venice Alan, but you give a very romantic and mysterious image of this city.

Captures that decaying grandeur so well.

Stunning Alan - so very atmospheric -

Gorgeous, atmospheric work !

This painting captures a very beautiful atmosphere!

Posted by Anna Sea on Thu 10 Aug 16:46:48
Hang on Studio Wall

These Venice backwater's are much more interesting to paint! Loose part wet-in-wet watercolour using two colours of Liquitex acrylic ink, with just a touch of white conte chalk for the highlights, which I’ve kept to one area only, in order to focus the viewer’s eye towards the focal point. Around an A3 size sheet of Stonehenge 250gsm Kraft paper, the drawing being slightly smaller! Loosely worked up from my own material as a guide, although much of it is from memory!

About the Artist
Alan Bickley

Having studied fine art and graphics at both Stafford and Derby college, my career working as a graphic artist and latterly as editorial artist with Northcliffe Media Ltd, has kept me constantly in touch with all aspects of art and design. Painting mainly in oils, acrylics and watercolour, my…

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