Supporting the NHS – Turning the Gallery Blue.

view froma windoe, first snow

Great stuff Alan and hopefully the Gallery will turn blue.

Wonderful start Alan, in a great cause.

Yes, a great start to a Blue Gallery Alan!

A fantastic study in blues

A cracker, Alan. Don't think I've seen this before...very happy to see it now.

terrific, Alan, love that touch of red.

Wonderful work Alan!!

Love the dramatic light Alan.

Stunning Alan. Love the moon and the moonlight.

I remember this one, Alan - love it, very atmospheric moonlit scene.

That's a very beautiful painting - I have a predominantly blue one 'in stock', but I think I shall allow the memory of your much better one to fade before I presume to post it!

Lovely peaceful scene Alan, suited to the current time.

Fabulous work, Alan.

Alan this is absolutely gorgeous, a fine tribute.

Absolutely beautiful Alan, you've done them proud!

Just have to add to all the other comments.Wonderful.

Can't add anything different Alan, except that my wife thinks it's lovely too!

This one's a gem, Alan. It transports me to a slightly magical world. The touch of red in the water does wonders. The moonlight on the distant field and in the water is beautiful and I always love fence posts!

You have a wonderful range of beautiful blue paintings Alan.

Hang on Studio Wall

Dawn’s excellent idea to post our (predominantly) blue paintings all this week, in support of our wonderful NHS workers, every single one of them! We are all deeply grateful. Pic: View from a Window – First snow.

About the Artist
Alan Bickley

Having studied fine art and graphics at both Stafford and Derby college, my career working as a graphic artist and latterly as editorial artist with Northcliffe Media Ltd, has kept me constantly in touch with all aspects of art and design. Painting mainly in oils, acrylics and watercolour, my…

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