Yew Tree Farm, Sandon.

Yew Tree Farm, Sandon.

Love the shadows on the snow Alan and the simplicity of ths scene.

Love the tones you achieved in this Alan, brings it to life! Bet these local works are popul around you.

I really love your sketches like this, Alan - great composition and tonal contrasts - and the single colour is very attractive.

Lovely use of tinted paper Alan. The toned one colour works a treat. Fine result.

Clean, fascinating, beautiful as always Alan.

You might call these 'simple studies' Alan but that's only because you have such accomplished drawing skills.

Another super painting in your local series. As I mostly paint in watercolour, I appreciate these even more than your oils.

Beautiful pen and wash - I love these drawings.

I must echo the other comments and say that this series of studies is excellent, Alan. The two figures add to the believability of the scene. Great study. Bri

Good monochrome, Alan.

Lots of variation in those ink tones Alan, a super painting in it's own right.

You say simple scenes Alan but they are anything but. You excel in all you do, I have to say, these are my favourite examples of your work.

Another beauty Alan.

Lovely confident style Alan, so effective.

Really like this Alan, great shadows with use of single colour.

Beautiful tones in this Alan, you are so skilful with your pen. Super work.

Had missed this Alan . My early hours strolling through the gallery has paid off. Super .

Hang on Studio Wall

A4 acrylic ink on Strathmore 300gsm Tan paper. Just working with a single colour that I mixed, using tones to give me some depth. I love drawing these simple studies, almost as much as I love painting the same scene in oils. Part of a series that I started a few weeks ago, featuring local places around my area.

About the Artist
Alan Bickley

Having studied fine art and graphics at both Stafford and Derby college, my career working as a graphic artist and latterly as editorial artist with Northcliffe Media Ltd, has kept me constantly in touch with all aspects of art and design. Painting mainly in oils, acrylics and watercolour, my…

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