The White Barn at Milwich.

The White Barn at Milwich.

This is very beautiful as it is Alan but I imagine you will work your magic in the painting.

I always enjoy seeing professional artists sketches and preparetary work. Reminds me that it is not just talented that leads to success. Like Carole, I look forward to seeing the finished work.

Wonderful sketch Alan. Used to love sketching outdoors but find it difficult now. Sometimes sketch from the comfort of a car. Plein air work gives a freshness and spontaneity to paintings that is often absent in more laboured, studio paintings.

This is beautiful as it is Alan, great perspective with the open fields and bare trees, just love the way you draw what you call quick sketches, 😁

It's all been said, great sketch and really interesting to see a preparatory sketch and read about your process.

Magic Alan! I love the combination of charcoal and chalk.....this is packed with information. I’ll be out doing much the same today....Autumn term of Davy’s art class starts this afternoon, always get excited about what he has in store for us. I know we are out and about today as long as the rain stays away. Look forward to seeing more of your sketches.

Super sketch, Alan. I'm a big fan of black and white, and although this is a working sketch for you it stands very well as it is.

Yes, it may be a preparatory sketch, Alan, but it stands on its own merits. The idea followed by the painting is always one to savour. I also look forward to the finished painting. Great work and well worth the effort. Bri

Very nice sketch, leaving the grey paper as mid tone gives great depth.

Lovely idea Alan. I might give my charcoal and pastels an airing... You've got all those details needed to work with later... In such little time.. thankyou for sharing.

So very good Alan, and a salutary reminder to us all to just get out there and sketch!

Super detail and perspective Alan. You are an inspiration, now where did I put that charcoal....?!

What a great sketch Alan, it's interesting to see how you start a painting. As others have said it looks good on it's own but it will be nice to see it come to life when you paint it.

This is stunning as it is, Alan. Looking forward to seeing the painting though.

Gosh, thanks everyone for your encouragement. I hadn't expected such a response from a simple sketch.

Hang on Studio Wall

A4 charcoal on 118gm Strathmore Grey paper. A few of you asked to see some of the charcoal sketches that I have recently drawn plein air. I don’t spend more than say ten minutes on some, others I may work on for longer, taking them to a slightly more detailed level such as this one posted today. I’m looking to get plenty of information down on paper, something that will serve as the basis for a painting in the studio on a later date. I completed around ten of these last Tuesday in a few hours, (some very quick), making the best of a sunny morning - nothing better that getting out in the fresh air with your sketchpad. I enjoy sketching with charcoal, it gives me the freedom to work quickly and not worry about mistakes. I always try and get as many sketchbooks filled with ideas to work on during the cold winter months. Not everything that I sketch will be interesting enough to warrant a finished painting, but that doesn’t matter, I love the drawing experience and try and draw most days

About the Artist
Alan Bickley

Having studied fine art and graphics at both Stafford and Derby college, my career working as a graphic artist and latterly as editorial artist with Northcliffe Media Ltd, has kept me constantly in touch with all aspects of art and design. Painting mainly in oils, acrylics and watercolour, my…

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