Low Tide at Pin Mill.

Low Tide at Pin Mill.

A real beauty Alan like it very much. It never came up properly on the gallery

Great palette Alan, like it.

Ah, I love waking up to find boats in the gallery. (-: Superb work Alan, fabulous threatening sky.

I like the balance of colour, Alan.

Love the formidable atmosphere with those dark clouds Alan, beautiful painting.

Stunning, with the dark cloud and the light on the foreshore.

Fabulous - l love the strength of your palette.

Fantastic sky with moody colours Alan!

Every time I've been to Pin Mill, the sky was always clear blue with wisps of clouds. You created some great drama here Alan. The bits of white indicating light direct my eyes to those really well painted barges.

Posted on Mon 10 Jul 14:49:09

A very atmospheric piece Alan with some marvellous colours.

Wonderfully expressive colours here, Alan but a terrific painting again.

Actually Alan, it's a refreshing take on Pin Mill.....it's very different to the usual scenario's of this iconic view. Love it!

Wonderful atmosphere Alan, beautiful colours and light in the background.

Sorry I missed it yesterday lovely painting Alan,I've been lucky enough to have had a pint in the Butt and Oyster on several visits this year. Obviously we both like stormy skies.

Love that ominous sky, Alan - it really sets a superb backdrop for the rest of painting.

Hang on Studio Wall

Oil on board 14 x 24in. Yes, another version of this now famous landmark, it's 10 years or so since I last visited and enjoyed a pint or two in the Butt & Oyster, (that's the small white splodge in the distance)

About the Artist
Alan Bickley

Having studied fine art and graphics at both Stafford and Derby college, my career working as a graphic artist and latterly as editorial artist with Northcliffe Media Ltd, has kept me constantly in touch with all aspects of art and design. Painting mainly in oils, acrylics and watercolour, my…

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