Once Upon A Morning

Once Upon A Morning

Very atmospheric Wib. Quite 'other worldly' palette. Can feel the 'stillness' waiting for the bite!

Treasured memories are like precious jewels, you can take them out and drift into their many facets. One or two always have that extra sparkle. Thank you for sharing one of your fond memories Wib, it's a jem. Just realised that you are in Canada, are you familiar with the artist Gruppe, ( I think he's Canadian) I have a couple of his books, some of the scenery he paints, especially the snow scenes are truly magnificent.

The background is almost designee. It would make a lovely semi abstract in itself.

Your painting sums it up beautifully Wib, so dream like.

Beautiful painting, Wib, with pleasant memories behind it.

Karyn - thank you for your kind comment. Fiona - thank you for sharing your thoughts on memories and how they can become like legacy gifts given to us by loved ones. I'm somewhat familiar with a Robert Gruppe who I believe is an American artist from Massachusetts. Valerie - thank you for your comment - I had wondered if I might have overdone the sky. Carole - thank you as always - much appreciated.

Thank you, Cesare.

nice painting and a lovely story , its great to have those kind of memories

This is fabulous. You have achieved that surreal, otherworldly feel.

To both Dennis's, thank you for your continuing supportive comments. Thank you, Gudrun, for your kind comment as well.

A great dreamy painting Wib, with a lovely story.

Thank you, Margaret. I appreciate your comment.

Hang on Studio Wall

As a youngster growing up beside a lake was a lot of fun – swimming at a small sandy beach near home through the summer to ice-skating during the winter months. My grandfather, who also lived near us, loved fishing. Most of my outdoor lore I learned from him. Although, not an avid fisherman, I enjoyed boats and going out with granddad in his rowboat to try our luck is still a memory I carry with me. This painting is an attempt at a dreamscape – you know, when the feeling of the experience is still strong and fresh but the physical details of the scene have melted and melded into a treasured memory.

About the Artist
Wib Dawson

For as long as I can remember I've had a passion for creating images through both photography and painting. In recent years, I’ve been especially drawn toward digital painting and have marveled at how closely the technology can now emulate traditional painting media. I particularly enjoy creating…

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