Little Hare


They are...and your watercolour is just lovely Valerie.

This is really good and it’s beautifully painted.

Mine too Valerie, this is a little beauty

How lovely Valerie! Such a wonderful face.

Really beautiful.

Thankyou Rikke, Paul, Heather, Tessa and Emma for your lovely comments.

Such a gentle sketch. Lovely and loose with that eye detail

How lovely Valerie, I love your delicate touch. This morning we had a hare running up the middle of the lane ahead of us for about 50yards before it veered off into the field, lovely to see it.

Thankyou all , I really appreciate your comments.

Fantastic! I really love this picture, thanks for posting!

Beautifully painted, Valerie and so delightful!

Great Painting Valerie, Lovely loose brushwork.

Thankyou Anne and Bob for your kind comments

A lovely loose watercolour and so so effective. Fantastic. Love it Valerie.

The lovely loose effect you've used works really well and catches the eye. Really nice painting Val.

Thankyou so much Val for your kind comments.

Amazing representation and composition. Couldn't be better. And yes, they're lovelly.

So beautiful ! A pale complementary palette and the detail of its head make for a super painting.

Love this style. Perfect

Thankyou for your lovely comment, I appreciate it.

Hang on Studio Wall

Watercolour sketch of my favourite animal. They are so precious .

About the Artist
valerie harper

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