Through the mirror


Terrific portrait painting Marjorie. Love it and the clever way you faded the left eye away.

Absolutely stunning self portrait Marjorie , cleverly done

Wonderful style for this portrait, Marjorie - very striking and powerful...

Very good indeed.

Excellent selfie Marjorie, love the way you’ve painted the hair.

This is wonderful, Marjorie!

Excellent portrait Marjorie!

Beautifully done, it’s a excellent portrait.

Lovely loose portrait Marjorie!

That's great, Marjorie.

Lovely portrait Marjorie

Thanks everyone, those comments are much appreciated. I wish I could adjust the left side ( my left) , it needs to be taken in down the side and the specs need altering a bit. Do you remember that we could edit the image and just replace it? A pity that we can no longer do that, frustrating.

I like this a lot - I really like the way you've painted the eyes and hair in particular (great colour palette too)

You should be thrilled with this Marjorie. Love the subtlety and harmony of your palette and the glinting of the hair, in the light. A very classy portrait.

Lovely, Marjorie.

Yes, I agree. We could replace the image, and now we can’t! I was a bit surprised about that.

Heather, Carole and Shirley, thanks. I just used a saucer for the paints, I wasn't going to be that long so the paints stayed useable. Colours were cad red, yellow ochre, burnt sienna, ult blue and white. There's a bit of Desperate Dan going on with the chin 😆

Superb portrait Marjorie with so many 'special' bits to admire - such as the reddish brown colour on the chin and throat, the delicious highlight on the frame of the spectacles, those cheek bones and the almost luminous quality of the hair - to name but a few!

This is a very striking portrait, Marjorie - excellent work.


Splendid work Margorie, lovely warm tones and expert highlights, -smashing.

Love the style, great portrait.

Russell, Anne, Richard, Willie and Fred, lovely to read your comments, thank you!

Great portrait full of character, Marjorie.

Top painting Marjorie, great flare and style.

Cesare, Frank, Michael and Gudrun , thanks for the comments, I couldn't log on before now, sorry this is late.

Great portrait, Marjorie (sorry, catching up as usual)

Hang on Studio Wall

Selfie through the mirror, acrylic on paper

About the Artist
Marjorie Firth

Still Life, seascapes and portraits are my favourite subjects. I paint whatever takes my fancy, am self-taught and, from time to time, attend short courses. I paint in a variety of media, oils are my favourite. I enjoy the challenge of entering the monthly POL competitions and have exhibited 5 times…

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