Whitworth Street Manchester

Whitworth Street Manchester

A fine addition to your portfolio of Manchester scenes ,the viaduct and colour choice are really good.

Great rendition of an unlikely location. Also one I passed many times going to Oxford Road. Nicely done Louise.

I recognised this as one of yours straight away Louise, lovely work.

Terrific, Louise, you've captured the urban grime and life in a city in a great painting.

Very impressive, Louise.

Love this down to earth rendition of Whitworth Street. It exudes the damp, dreary industrial air of Manchester on a cold, wet day.

Many thanks Andre, Jim, Margaret, Willie, Mia and Carole. I always appreciate your comments. It probably looked like this very early this morning as it was a bit foggy here. Nothing like the pea soupers we used to get in the old days though!

Probably missed a lot of your postings but this is the Louise I remember - superb work.

I love this one - the colours really capture Manchester at this time of year! This work really has a lot of movement in it - it brings back many memories of living in Manchester.

You've not lost your touch Louise - looking through glass?

Marjorie has it right, looking through glass, and, from your helicopter by the view. Lol. Love your city scenes, down to earth and honest.....fab!

Thanks Clare, Marjorie, Fiona and Dennis. It does look as though it's through glass Marjorie ..it's the clingfilm effect! Fiona, I can't fly the helicopter LOL.. photos from the top of multi story car parks is more my thing :)

Picked this beauty as yours Louise. I really like your semi-abstract cityscapes.

Like it Louise, a lovely painting and from a difficult angle, all the angles are perfect

Thank you Sandra and David :)

This is a tremendous picture of those dark wintery streets of a big city, Louise. There's so much to look at, so many tiny details in this otherwise very loose looking painting. I love it!

When I clicked on this I was expecting a large size painting, but it isn't. I love the confident way you deal with all the angles and perspective. A very fine painting, Louise.

Love these Louise such a great viewpoint.

Thank you Lewis and Carole :)

Great piece Louise I can feel the Manchester grime and love the unusual perspective.

Hang on Studio Wall

watercolour 31 cm x 22 cm

About the Artist
Louise Naimian

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