Aboriginal Girl.

Aboriginal Girl.

Lovely complexion and a good likeness of a typical aboriginal girl.

Rather good drawing skills here Lew, a bold and decisive statement which I always like to see.

She looks so Aboriginal great features and I love the reds in her hair and complexion Lew. Brilliant.

Lovely portrait , Lewis.

Wow Lew great style, I really like the blue in the shadows and good job on the hair.

Gosh that's so good Lewis!! I like the way you have portrayed her hair. Did you use watercolour pencils?

So expressive, and those eyes......Love the warm facial tones. Exquisite Lewis.

Very engaging.

Just what it says on the tin Lew. Caught the character and origin perfectly. Nice work.

Thanks to all for your kind comments. Yes Margaret, I did use coloured pencils. The intention was to use them dry, but the colours looked far too strong, rather than mess about I toned them down by using brush and clean water (my pencils are watercolour pencils - can be used dry or wet). When it was dry I reworked areas with dry pencil...including the hair. The hair was far too complex so it's more of a scribble technique.)

Beautiful portrait of a beautiful girl Lewis

What a wonderful confident little lady- well done Lewis. Good to see your more serious side!

Great portrait, super colours especially her hair...i feel I could touch it it's so real looking!

It's strange when you make a picture, there are areas (usually with me, anyway), where you aren't satisfied. For me it was the hair...I made no real attempt to 'copy' the hair, it was far too complex to be fussy. But several people have commented that they like the hair...the weakest part for me. Just shows how we all see things differently.

Good portrait, Lewis.

another one to like Lewis . You have certainly used those pencils to great advantage - my first thoughts were straight watercolour for the face. the blending of wet and dry use is exceptional I think

You've mastered the pencils brilliantly with this Lewis, a beautiful portrait painting 😀

I Like this very much Lewis, a powerful piece. She is kind of questioning the viewer.

Hang on Studio Wall
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Hmmn...didn't take the first time. Thought I'd use coloured pencils. I was intending to use them dry, but got carried away with the colours (the ref photo I was using was a bit bland). So I had to tone it all down with water, then do some retouching. Must use them more. A4 sketchbook.

About the Artist
Lewis Cooper

Self taught. Love drawing. Like to make pictures up, without using reference pics, often in cartoon style. I do other pictures where I do use reference. I'm knocking on a bit, born in 1940 in Greenwich, London. Retired, and loving it.

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