The double rainbow over Buckingham Palace


Lovely. What a special thing it was.

Super painting Tim. I like the looseness in the foreground which allows your eye to focus on the statues and rainbows above.

Superb painting. Like the colours and the looseness.

How good is this Tim, a lovely painting

How strange that there was a double rainbow on the day of the Queen’s death. I greatly admire your style Tim

Thank you for your lovely comments. Rainbows are often seen as a symbolic sign of hope and promise of better times to come; so yes, it was strange how they appeared in an angelic way, almost as if it was planned to coincide with the news.

Lovely bit of impressionist painting of a unique event Tim.

Beautiful Tim, you really caught the moment.

Beautifully painted with wonderful colours - capturing a moment.

Very poignant! Lovely loose passages that make this a stunner.

This is a tremendous painting. What a beautiful memory

Love this one

Hang on Studio Wall

A small oil painting on canvas board of the double rainbow over Buckingham Palace on Thursday 8th September 2022.

About the Artist
Tim O'Brien

I am a full-time artist, author and tutor. During my 39-year art career I have enjoyed working with a broad range of clients and subject matter (Landscapes, architecture, animals to transport - ships, cars and aerospace), having started out as a Commercial Artist in the world of advertising &…

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